A model displays a creation, bearing the image of U.S. President Barack Obama, during Italian fashion house Gattinoni's Rome Fashion Week Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2009 show February 1, 2009.
Mania over President Barack Obama has reached the catwalks of Rome, where a top haute couture designer showed off a kaftan emblazoned with his face and another dedicated a gown of "hope" to his wife Michelle.
"I was in Times Square when he was elected and it was like just such a beautiful emotion. I had the sensation of flying," Guillermo Mariotto, who designed the kaftan for Roman fashion house Gattinoni, told reporters.
"He's definitely a fashion icon. He's brand new, he's a black president, and he's so handsome."
Mariotto sent an American model down the catwalk draped in the ankle-length, long-sleeved kaftan made of natural fiber. It featured a solemn-faced Obama in red and beige across its entire length and the word "Change" written across the bottom.
Neapolitan designer Fausto Sarli on Saturday dedicated the jewel of his collection -- a pinkish gown studded with crystals and lavish swirls -- to U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama, saying it represented a light in the desert.
"We dedicated this as a message of hope -- that she can bring hope in the world during this period of crisis," said Sarli's spokesman Carlo Alberto Terranova. "It's a homage to the audacity of hope and youth."
帶有奧巴馬頭像的土耳其長衫出自設計師Guillermo Mariotto之手,是專為羅馬加帝諾尼時裝秀設計的。他在接受記者采訪時說:“奧巴馬當選總統時,我在時代廣場,當時的感覺美妙極了,我簡直有種飛的感覺。”
來自那不勒斯的設計師Fausto Sarli于上周六將他設計的一件珍品——飾有水晶和螺形圖案的粉色禮服獻給了美國第一夫人米歇爾?奧巴馬,并稱這件禮服象征沙漠中的一束光。