美國密蘇里大學新聞專業的學生被告知需購買iPhone或者iPod Touch作為完成課業的輔助工具,表示將其列為必備品是因為學生在回顧課堂內容的音頻資料時會用到。該校新聞專業學生手冊中清楚寫明要學生購買蘋果產品,“不推薦”學生購買Windows系列產品。不過,校方表示這并非強制性規定, 執意不購買iPhone或者iPod Touch的學生并不會被學校驅逐。

Journalism students at the University of Missouri in the United States have been advised that they must own an iPhone or iPod touch in order to complete their course.
Journalism students at the University of Missouri in the United States have been advised that they must own an iPhone or iPod touch in order to complete their course.
The devices are “mandatory”, as students will need to use the gadget to review audio recordings of lectures, the University said.
However, officials have confirmed they will not enforce the rule. Instead, the “requirement” is part of the University’s aim to be granted “special status” so that students receiving financial assistance can use part of their bursary to purchase the device. Around 50 universities in the United States operate a similar scheme.
“If it’s required, it can be included in your financial need estimate,” said Brian Brooks, associate dean for the University of Missouri’s journalism department.
The University uses a program called Tegrity to record lectures, which students can download later for free through a special educational area on the iTunes Music Store.
Some students have criticised the stipulation, arguing that such a close tie-up with Apple “compromises journalistic integrity”, while others have said the row is “much ado about nothing”.
The journalism department’s handbook clearly underline’s the University’s preference that students use Apple products. In a section about the sort of computer a student should buy, the handbook states that they “do not recommend” buying a Windows-based PC, unless students “plan to make a career of computer-assisted reporting”.
“The faculty has designated Apple Computer as its preferred provider for two primary reasons,” the handbook states.
“Apple’s OS X operating system is based on Unix, which makes these computers far less susceptible to viruses than other computers. Viruses are a serious problem on university campuses. Secondly, Apple MacBook and MacBook Pro computers come bundled with iLife, a suite of applications ideal for learning the basics of photo editing, and audio and video editing. We’ll use those programs in several classes.
“By the time you purchase photo, audio and video software for a PC, you probably will have spent more than you would if buying a comparable Apple Computer. Almost 100 per cent of last year’s freshmen chose Apple computers.”
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(英語點津 Helen 編輯)