![]() A picture shows a bronze statue representing a 10-year-old Barack Obama, the US president, holding an Indonesian flag placed there by protestors in Jakarta in 2009.(Agencies)
US President Barack Obama will travel to Indonesia with his family next month, returning to the country where he spent four years as a child, the White House announced late on Monday. Obama, who has referred to himself as "America's first Pacific president" because of his birth in Hawaii and his years in Indonesia, will also visit Australia during the trip, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. Gibbs said that while in Indonesia, Obama will launch a US-Indonesian partnership aimed at broadening and strengthening ties between the United States and the country that is home to the world's largest Muslim population. Asked whether Obama, to be accompanied by his wife Michelle and two young daughters Sasha and Malia, would visit childhood haunts, Gibbs said: "I'd anticipate that will likely be one of the stops." Obama's late mother, Ann Dunham, came to Indonesia with her 6-year-old son in the late 1960s to join her second husband, an Indonesian man named Lolo Soetoro. Obama recounts in his book Dreams From My Father being amazed to find the house they moved into on the outskirts of Jakarta had a collection of exotic animals including a monkey, birds of paradise, a cockatoo and several baby crocodiles. His time in Indonesia was cut short in 1971 when he was sent to Hawaii to live with his grandparents, while his mother stayed with her husband. Indradjaya Madewa, a friend of Obama's when they attended the same elementary school, said he hoped the president would visit the school during his visit. "He remembers me and my family because we were neighbours, as well as classmates," said Madewa, now a 47-year-old businessman. In Australia, he will mark the 70th anniversary of US-Australian relations and hold talks with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on the global economic recovery, the war in Afghanistan and climate change. In Canberra, Rudd said he hoped the president would address the Australian parliament. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 點擊查看更多雙語新聞
美國白宮于本周一晚些時候宣布,總統貝拉克?奧巴馬將于下月攜家人訪問印度尼西亞,重回他曾度過四年童年時光的地方。 白宮發言人羅伯特?吉布斯稱,奧巴馬此次還將訪問澳大利亞。奧巴馬總統出生在夏威夷,并曾在印尼居住過幾年,因此他自稱為“美國首位太平洋總統”。 吉布斯稱,奧巴馬出訪印尼期間,將啟動印美兩國合作伙伴關系,以擴大和鞏固美國和這個全世界穆斯林人口最多的國家的關系。 在被問及奧巴馬是否會重游童年故地時,吉布斯說:“我想有這個可能。”奧巴馬將攜夫人米歇爾和兩個女兒瑪麗亞和薩莎一同出訪印尼。 上世紀60年代晚期,因母親安?鄧納姆改嫁給一個名叫羅洛?蘇托洛的印尼男子,六歲的奧巴馬便跟隨母親來到了印尼。奧巴馬的母親現已去世。 奧巴馬后來在《我父親的夢想》一書中寫道,當時他們一家搬到雅加達郊區的一處住所,他驚奇地發現那里有很多種奇異的動物,其中包括一只猴子、幾只天堂鳥、一只鳳頭鸚鵡和幾只幼鱷。 1971年,奧巴馬被送至夏威夷與外祖父母一起生活,他在印尼的生活從此告一段落。而他的母親仍留在印尼與繼父一起生活。 奧巴馬的小學同學因德拉德加亞?馬德瓦稱,他希望奧巴馬訪問印尼時能回母校看看。 現年47歲的商人馬德瓦說:“他還記得我和我的家人,因為那時我們除了是同學外,還是鄰居。” 奧巴馬訪問澳大利亞期間,將慶祝美澳建交70周年,并將與澳大利亞總理陸克文舉行會談,討論全球經濟復蘇、阿富汗戰爭和氣候變化等問題。陸克文在堪培拉表示,他希望奧巴馬此次能在澳大利亞國會發表講話。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯蔡姍姍) |
Vocabulary: haunt:a place frequently visited(常去的場所;消磨時光的去處) |