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File photo of George Clooney. Psychologists in Scotland have found that as women become more financially independent, they want an older, more attractive male partner. |
Some have already dubbed it the George Clooney Effect: Psychologists in Scotland have found that as women become more financially independent, they want an older, more attractive male partner. Studies have previously found that women place greater emphasis on whether a man can provide for them, while men place more importance on good looks. The new study revealed that as women earn more and become more independent, their tastes actually change. The finding suggests that greater financial independence gives women greater confidence in choosing their partner. Instinctive preferences for material stability and security become less important, physical attractiveness becomes more important, and the age of a woman's partner also increases. "Previous research shows that men place greater importance on physical attractiveness when picking a partner, whereas women focus much more on whether someone can provide material resources," said lead researcher Dr. Fhionna Moore. "We'd assumed that as women earn more, their partner preferences would actually become more like those of men, with a tendency towards preferring younger, more attractive partners rather than those who can provide and care for children. Moore added, "However, the preferred age difference did not change as we'd expected - more financially independent women actually preferred even older men. We think this suggests greater financial independence gives women more confidence in partner choices, and attracts them to powerful, attractive older men." The study was conducted online with 3,770 heterosexual participants, about equal numbers of men and woman, who were asked questions about their background and personal situation, and their level of financial independence. Participants ranked a series of criteria such as physical attraction, financial prospects and sense of humor in order of importance, with these results matched against their income and financial independence. "The behavior of men and women does become more similar as women earn more, but only in terms of the importance of physical attraction," Moore added. "But the similarities stop there: Greater income makes women prefer even older men, and men prefer even younger women." The popular stereotype of powerful women adopting male patterns of behavior is strongly questioned by these new results. The research is published in the latest online issue of the journal Evolutionary Psychology. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
蘇格蘭心理學家研究發現,女性經濟地位越獨立,就越想尋覓較年長、更有魅力的男性為伴。有些人稱之為喬治?克魯尼效應。 此前研究表明,女性擇偶時更注重男性能否養家糊口,而男性擇偶時則更重外表。而這項新研究則表明,女性收入越高、越獨立,她們的擇偶品味也會隨之變化。 研究結果表明,女性經濟越獨立,擇偶時越有自信,對伴侶經濟實力的穩定和生活保障的本能偏好會變得次要,她們會更關注外表,也更偏愛年長男性。 首席研究員菲恩娜?摩爾博士說:“此前研究表明,男性則偶時更重視外表,而女性更重視對方的經濟實力。我們曾認為,女性收入越高,其擇偶偏好就越類似于男性,傾向于選擇年輕、有魅力的伴侶,而不是可以養好孩子的人。” 摩爾補充道:“但擇偶的年齡偏好卻沒有出現預期的變化,經濟越獨立的女性其實更喜歡較年長的男性。我們認為這表明更獨立的經濟地位使女性在擇偶時更自信,因而更偏愛有實力、有魅力的年長男士。” 該研究共對3770名異性戀者進行了網上調查,男女人數各半。他們被問及生活背景及個人狀況,以及經濟獨立水平等問題,并對一系列擇偶標準按照重要程度進行排序,例如外貌、經濟前景、以及幽默感等。研究人員將調查結果與被調查者的收入和經濟獨立狀況進行了對比。 摩爾補充說:“女性收入越高,與男性的擇偶行為越趨同,但這僅限于對外貌的看法。有一點是不同的:高收入女性喜歡年長男性,而高收入男性則喜歡年輕女人。” 這項最新調查結果也對女強人的行為方式男性化這一傳統觀念提出了強烈質疑。 研究結果發表在最新一期《進化心理學》期刊網絡版上。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯:馮明惠) |
Vocabulary: heterosexual: 異性的,異性戀的,與之相對的是homosexual(同性戀的) |