![]() Cast member Javier Bardem arrives at the premiere of his and director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's film "Biutiful" in Los Angeles December 14, 2010. |
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International glamour outstripped Hollywood and hometown favorites at the top of the 2011 best-dressed list for men's magazine GQ. Film star Javier Bardem was chosen by GQ's British edition as its top best-dressed man internationally, followed by Indian-born Sikh jewelry designer and actor Waris Ahluwalia and Alexander Skarsgard, Swedish star of the hit US television vampire show "True Blood." The top 10 list also included Bollywood star Shah Rukh Kahn at number four, "High School Musical" heart-throb Zac Efron at six, new England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady at eight and George Clooney at number nine. At the other end of the scale, actor Mel Gibson was the number one worst-dressed man internationally, followed by British fashion designer Henry Holland. GQ also panned Hollywood actor Will Smith's son Jaden for his sartorial sins as well as American Apparel founder Dov Charney and Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose. The magazine's list of the 50 most stylish men in Britain was topped by English actor Aaron Johnson -- who played the nerdy superhero-cum-vigilante without any superpowers in director Sam Taylor-Wood's "Kick-Ass." Johnson was followed by "A Single Man" star Nicholas Hoult at number two and English actor Douglas Booth, best known for his turn as Culture Club frontman Boy George in TV flick "Worried About the Boy." Soccer player David Beckham may not have graced the England team with his skills at last summer's World Cup, but he hung onto a place in the sartorial stakes at 16, while Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has fared better than his predecessor Gordon Brown. Cameron ranked 20th in the overall 2011 best-dressed Britons list. Brown did not make an appearance this year but was voted worst-dressed last year. Music impresario Simon Cowell may top the record charts with his proteges, but could only manage a modest 43 in the best-dressed list. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
在男性雜志《紳士季刊》的“2011年最具衣著品味男人” 榜上,國際影星擊敗了好萊塢和英國本土的寵兒,躋身前列。 電影明星哈維爾?巴登被《紳士季刊》英國版選為“全球最具衣著品味男人”,緊隨其后的是珠寶設計師兼演員瓦里斯?阿魯瓦里亞和美國熱播吸血鬼劇《真愛如血》的主演、瑞典影星亞歷山大?斯卡斯加德。瓦里斯?阿魯瓦里亞出生于印度,是錫克教教徒。 排在前十名的還有寶萊塢影星沙魯克?汗(第四位),《歌舞青春》中的萬人迷扎克?埃夫隆(第六位),新英格蘭愛國者隊四分衛湯姆?布雷迪(第八位),以及喬治?克魯尼(第九位)。 與此同時,男影星梅爾?吉布森摘得了“全球衣著品味最差男人”榜的桂冠,緊隨其后的是英國時裝設計師亨利?霍蘭德。《紳士季刊》還批評了賈登?史密斯的衣著,以及AA美國服飾公司創始人多夫?查尼和槍炮玫瑰樂隊主唱埃克塞爾?羅斯的惡俗穿衣品味。賈登?史密斯是好萊塢男星威爾?史密斯的兒子。 該雜志還評出了“英國最具衣著品味男人50強”。排在榜首的是英國演員亞倫?約翰遜,他在薩姆?泰勒?伍德執導的《海扁王》中出演一位呆呆的、沒有任何超能力而又自詡“超級英雄”的義務警員。 緊隨其后的是電影《單身男子》中的男星尼古拉斯?霍爾特和英國演員道格拉斯?布斯,后者以其在電視電影《喬治男孩》中飾演的文化俱樂部樂隊主唱喬治男孩一角而廣為人知。 雖然大衛?貝克漢姆未能在2010年世界杯中為英國隊增光,但是他仍然在“英國最具衣著品味男人”榜上保有一席之地,排行十六。而英國首相、保守黨人戴維?卡梅倫在穿衣方面的表現也超過了其前任戈登?布朗。 卡梅倫在“2011年英國最具衣著品味男人”榜中排第20名。布朗今年未上榜,但是去年他被評為“衣著品味最差男人”。 音樂經理人西蒙?考威爾或許因為門生眾多而能夠問鼎音樂排行榜,但是在“英國最具衣著品味男人”榜中他只得到一個不好不壞的43名。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 崔旭燕 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: outstrip: to be faster, better or more successful than a competitor 超過,超越(競爭者) heart-throb: a famous man, usually an actor or a singer, that a lot of women find attractive 迷人的出名男子,大眾情人(尤指男演員或歌手) pan: to severely criticize something such as a play or a film/movie(嚴厲批評,抨擊) sartorial: relating to clothes, especially men's clothes, and the way they are made or worn 服裝的;(尤指)男裝的;衣著的 frontman: the leader of a group of musicians(樂隊領銜者) impresario: a person who arranges plays in the theatre, etc., especially a person who manages a theatre, opera or ballet company (劇院、歌劇或芭蕾舞團的)經理 protege: a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person(門徒) |