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Souvenir key fobs for the royal wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton are pictured in a shop in central London, on January 20.(Agencies) |
While Britain has a public holiday to celebrate Prince William's wedding, one company is taking the party one step further with souvenir condoms that urge lovers to "lie back and think of England". Crown Jewels Condoms of Distinction is producing special celebration packs that bear the slogan: "Like a royal wedding, intercourse with a loved one is an unforgettable occasion". Critics have dismissed the novelty condoms as "tasteless". Military helicopter pilot William, second in line to the throne, is to marry his university sweetheart Kate Middleton on April 29 at London's Westminster Abbey. All manner of predictable unofficial souvenirs such as tea towels, chinaware and postcards have been rushed out by manufacturers, with condoms now joining the ranks. Hugh Pomfret, a spokesman for Crown Jewels Condoms of Distinction, insisted they were "a unique way to remember this great British occasion". "In years to come, they will be a timeless memento of a magical wedding day." Presented in regal-looking purple and gold, each pack bears a picture of the couple gazing into each other's eyes, saying it contains a "triumvirate of regal prophylactics", which are "lavishly lubed" and "regally ribbed". "England boasts some of the finest lovemaking in the world, with a tradition of coitus going back generations," lovers are told. "Combining the strength of a prince with the yielding sensitivity of a princess-to-be, Crown Jewels condoms promise a royal union of pleasure." It also includes a drawing of the couple "as they might appear on their wedding day", produced by an "acclaimed international artist", who is not named. The facial resemblance is not overwhelming but the pose and outfits seem styled on the official engagement photographs. The manufacturers stress that they are not supplied to or approved by William, his fiancee or the royal family. Ingrid Seward, editor of the royal-watching Majesty magazine, told The Sun newspaper: "This is completely tasteless and really rather hurtful. Prince William has a great sense of humour but this is a step too far. This is a cheap swipe to make money." (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
英國威廉王子婚期將至,除了當天被定為全民假日外,英國一家公司更是大膽推出了避孕套婚禮紀念品,呼吁情侶們“躺下來想想英國”。 這家名為“王冠優質避孕套”的生產商正推出王室婚禮特別慶祝包裝,上面印有標語“與愛人的纏綿就像王室婚禮,令人難以忘懷”。 批評人士指責這款所謂的風格獨特的避孕套“很粗俗”。 威廉王子現任空軍直升機飛行員,是王位第二繼承人。他將于4月29日在倫敦威斯敏斯特教堂迎娶大學戀人凱特?米德爾頓。 目前,市面涌出了各種老套乏味的婚禮民間紀念品,比如茶巾、瓷器、明信片等等,而避孕套現在也加入了這一大軍。 “王冠優質避孕套”公司的發言人休?龐弗雷特堅稱,這是“用來紀念這場盛事的獨特方式”。 “在今后,它們將成為這個妙不可言的結婚日的永恒紀念”。 這款避孕套包裝采用了有王室風格的紫色和金色,上面印有這對情侶互相凝視的畫像,并稱內有“三個王室避孕套”,“極其潤滑”,還有“王室般的綾紋情調”。 生產商還向情侶們鼓吹:“英國人號稱做愛情致冠全球,性愛傳統代代傳?!?/p> “王冠避孕套能讓你結合王子的力量與準王妃的柔情,包你享有王室結合的愉悅”。 避孕套還以威廉與凱特“大婚之日”的預測畫像為包裝,據稱為“國際知名藝術家”繪制,但未提及姓名。兩人外貌的逼真并不奇怪,但姿勢和衣著像是模仿了官方訂婚照的風格。 制造商強調指出,這款避孕套并非提供給威廉王子、準王妃、或王室家庭成員,也未獲得他們的認可。 專門介紹王室生活的《王室雜志》編輯英格麗特?西沃德告訴《太陽報》:“這太低級趣味了,非常傷感情。威廉王子很幽默,但這玩笑開過頭了。商家為了賺錢,不惜一切手段?!?/p> 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯:馮明惠) |
Vocabulary: tasteless: lacking in aesthetic quality or capacity; devoid of good taste(不雅的;粗俗的;不得體) all manner of: 各種,形形色色的 regal: of or pertaining to a king; royal(帝王的;王室的;豪華的) triumvirate: any group or set of three(三件套,三個一組) coitus: sexual intercourse(性生活) |