![]() Warning sign? Women believe that men with deep voices - like the late Barry White - are more likely to cheat. |
Men with deep voices are more likely to cheat on their partners, women believe. And men feel that if a woman has a high-pitched voice, she is more likely to be unfaithful. The authors of the first study to examine the connection between voice pitch and fidelity say the findings show insights into how we pick our partners. They say the voice could give a warning sign of future sexual behaviour. The connection is down to hormones – the more testosterone a man has, the lower his voice, and the more oestrogen a woman has, the higher her voice is likely to be. Researchers at Canada’s McMaster University asked people to listen to recorded clips of a male and female voice, which were electronically altered to become higher or lower pitched. They were then asked to rate which one from each pair was more likely to cheat, reports the journal Evolutionary Psychology. Lead author Jillian O’Connor said: ‘In terms of sexual strategy, we found that men and women will use voice pitch as a warning sign of future betrayal. ‘So the more attractive the voice – a higher pitch for women and lower pitch for men – the more likely the chances he or she will cheat.’ (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
女人們認為,聲音低沉的男性更有可能對配偶不忠。 而男人們則認為音調高的女性更有可能出軌。 這是首個觀察音調和忠誠度之間聯系的研究。研究的作者表示,該研究結果包含了對于人們選擇配偶的一些發現。 研究人員說聲音是一個人未來性行為的預警信號。 研究人員將這種聯系的原因歸結為荷爾蒙——男性的睪丸素越多,他的聲音就越低沉;而女性的雌激素越多,她的聲音就可能越高。 加拿大麥克馬斯特大學的研究人員讓人們聽了一組錄好的男性和女性聲音的片段,這些聲音的音調高低可以通過電子手段來調整。 據《進化心理學》雜志報道說,之后,研究人員要求人們評出各組聲音中哪個聽起來最有可能出軌。 該研究的第一作者吉利安?奧康納說:“從性戰略的角度來說,我們發現男性和女性會將音高作為將來背叛的預警信號。” “所以,聲音越有魅力的人——音調高的女性和音調低的男性——將來出軌的可能性越大。” 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 崔旭燕 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: testosterone: a hormone produced in men's testicles that causes them to develop the physical and sexual features that are characteristic of the male body(睪酮;睪丸素) oestrogen: a hormone produced in women's ovaries that causes them to develop the physical and sexual features that are characteristic of females and that causes them to prepare their body to have babies(雌激素) |