![]() Michael Buble is one of the favourite males among the older generation. |
Women in their 70s value sexual chemistry in a partner more than women in their 40s, according to new research. The value women place on sexual attraction dips in middle age but returns after retirement, it is claimed. The survey, conducted by parenting website Netmums and the magazine Saga, asked 9,000 women aged 16 to 75 what exactly they look for in a long-term partner. It also found that young women today are seeking a tall, dark, handsome, ambitious and rich stranger while the older generation are far more concerned with kindness, reliability and friendship when it comes to their idea of the perfect partner. Emma Soames, editor at large of Saga Magazine, said: "The results provide some intriguing insights into real relationships across the generations. "It's reassuring to see that over 50, the desire for sexual chemistry returns, showing that women still value the thing that brought them together with their partner in the first place. "It is surprising, however, that fewer place importance on honesty than their younger counterparts. "Perhaps after many years in a relationship a sense of realism and pragmatism is more important than honesty to keep a relationship on track - that and a lower rate of infidelity and thus less suspicion of cheating in this age group." Top of the wish-list for young women came honesty. However, for the older generation honesty is not the best policy. Less than half of the older women polled were bothered about their man telling the truth at all costs and would prefer a few kind words instead. For almost half the young women polled, romance is far from dead - at least, that's what they hope. Nearly half (49 percent) admitted that finding someone prepared to wine and dine them was top of their wish-list. Ambition came in second place, with 21 percent saying that they were after a man who had his sights set high. Michael Buble and George Clooney are favourite males among the older generation, but when it comes to finding a partner for life, older women are not bothered by a beautiful face. Three times more young women were interested in how attractive their partner is. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
一項新研究發現,與40多歲時相比,女人在70多歲時更看重伴侶的性吸引力。 該研究稱,女性到了中年,就不太看重性吸引力了,不過她們在退休之后對這方面又會重新重視起來。 育兒網站Netmums和Saga雜志共同開展的這項研究調查了9000名16至75歲的女性,了解她們從長期伴侶身上尋求的究竟是什么。 研究發現,如今的年輕女性希望覓到身材高大、膚色健康、英俊瀟灑、志向遠大的多金男士。而年長的女性,在尋找理想伴侶時,則更加看重善良、可靠以及兩人能否友好相處。 Saga雜志特約編輯愛瑪?索姆斯說:“這些研究結果針對真實生活中不同年代的人的感情關系提出了一些非常有趣的見解。 “看到年過50的女性重新燃起對性吸引力的渴望,令人感到安慰,這說明那些當初使兩人走到一起的東西,現在依然令她們珍惜。 “不過讓人驚訝的是,她們不像年輕女性那么看重誠實。 “可能經過多年相處之后,她們發現對于維系一段關系而言,現實和務實的心態要比誠實更重要。而且到了這個年紀,不忠行為減少了,從而對欺騙的猜疑也減少了。” 年輕女性最希望男人具有的品質是誠實。然而,誠實對于年長女性卻不是最好的策略。接受調查的年長女性中,有近半數的人為自己的男人總是講真話而煩惱,她們更愿意聽到一些順耳的好話。 對于近半數接受調查的年輕女性而言,浪漫仍然很有市場——至少她們都期待浪漫。近一半(49%)的女性承認,她們最期盼的事情是發現有人為自己精心準備了美酒菜肴。 有抱負是女人第二看重的品質。有21%的女性說自己想要的是有遠大理想的男人。 麥可?布雷和喬治?克魯尼是很受老一代女性歡迎的男人,不過如果是尋覓人生伴侶的話,年長女性不在乎男人的臉蛋是否俊美。相比之下,看重伴侶外表魅力的年輕女性比年長女性多了三倍。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 實習生高美 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: editor at large: 特約編輯 intriguing: very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer(非常有趣的;引人入勝的;神秘的) Michael Buble: 麥可·布雷,1975年出生,加拿大著名流行爵士樂歌手、影視演員。 |