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Tens of thousands of people have rallied near Japan's crippled Fukushima plant demanding an end to nuclear power.(xinhua) |
Tens of thousands of people have rallied near Japan's crippled Fukushima plant demanding an end to nuclear power as the nation marked the first anniversary of a disastrous earthquake and tsunami. Memorial ceremonies and anti-nuclear demonstrations were held across the northeast region where an estimated 160,000 people were forced to evacuate after the monster waves triggered a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Around 16,000 people gathered at a baseball stadium in Koriyama some 60 kilometres away from the plant. Participants called for an end to nuclear energy in Japan and compensation for victims from operator Tokyo Electric Power, a year after the March 11 quake-tsunami sparked the world's worst atomic disaster in a generation. "Our town has turned out to be another Chernobyl," Masami Yoshizawa, who ran a cattle farm in Namie, 10km from the plant, shouted through a loudspeaker. "We are in despair now, but I will get back my hometown even if it takes me the rest of my life," said Yoshizawa as he stood atop a wagon displaying pictures of his cows lying dead in their shed. "I won't be beaten, no matter what. I will keep on fighting," he said. A group of monks in brown and white robes chanted Buddhist sutras as activists carried banners reading: "We never forget the March 11 Great Earthquake. We will never forgive the nuclear accident." "Fukushima is being forgotten day by day," said Yumiko Ono, a 34-year-old graphic designer from Tokyo. "If we don't raise our voices right now, another accident could happen. We want to tell the world that the crisis and the hardship is still going on," she added. A moment of silence was observed at 14:46, the moment the 9.0-magnitude quake struck below the Pacific sea floor, sending monster waves into Japan's northeastern coast. The tsunami swamped cooling systems at the plant and sent three reactors into meltdown, spewing radiation into the environment. (Read by Emily Cheng. Emily Cheng is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
日本大地震和海嘯災難發生一周年之際,數萬名日本民眾聚集在廢棄的福島核電站前,要求停止使用核能。 日本東北部多地都舉行了紀念儀式和反核能示威。在海嘯引發福島第一核電站危機后,據估計有16萬人被迫疏散。 大約1.6萬人在距核電站大約60公里的郡山市一處棒球場舉行了集會。 參加者呼吁日本停止使用核能,要求東京電力公司補償受害者損失。一年前的3月11日,日本發生強震和海嘯,引發了這個時代最恐怖的一場核災難。 吉澤正見拿著揚聲器大聲喊:“我們的家園已成為另一個切爾諾貝利。”他在距離核電站10公里處經營一家養牛場。 “我們現在陷于絕望中,但我一定要回到家鄉,即使要付出余生的代價。”他站在貨車上,向大家展示多張養牛場內奶牛尸體的照片。 他說:“無論如何,我不會被擊垮,會繼續奮斗。” 一群僧侶身穿棕色和白色的長袍,吟著佛經,抗議者舉著橫幅,上面寫著:“我們不會忘記3?11大地震,不會原諒核事故。” 34歲的東京平面設計師小野裕見子說:“人們正一天天忘記福島。” 她補充說:“如果我們現在不發出聲音,就可能發生另一場核事故。我們想要告訴世界,危機和苦難還沒有過去。” 下午14點46分,人群一起默哀。去年3月11日14時46分,太平洋海底發生9級強震,在日本東北海岸引發海嘯。 海嘯淹沒了核電站的冷卻系統,摧毀了3座核反應堆,并引發核輻射。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: sutra: 佛經 |