![]() Sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nho...Sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nhokwara (24) and Rosemary Chakwizira (28) leave Harare Magistrates court on November 29, 2011 after a pre-trial hearing for attacking male hitchhikers to collect semen for rituals. The women allegedly used different cars to pick up 14 other men and forced themselves on them. They were arrested early in October when they were involved in a car accident, and police found 31 used condoms in the boot of their car. |
Gangs of women in Zimbabwe have been picking up male travellers to have sexual intercourse and harvest their sperm, according to reports. Susan Dhliwayo claims she pulled her car over recently to pick up a group of male hitchhikers and they refused to get in, because they feared they were going to be raped. "Now, men fear women. They said: 'we can't go with you because we don't trust you'," 19-year-old Miss Dhliwayo recounted. Local media have reported victims of the highway prowlers being drugged, subdued at gun or knife point – even with a live snake in one case – given a sexual stimulant and forced into repeated sex before being dumped on the roadside. The sperm hunters first surfaced in the local press in 2009 but police have only arrested three women, found with a plastic bag of 31 used condoms in October. The attacks have continued since they were nabbed for allegedly violating 17 men. "We do not have the exact number of confirmed cases," said national police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena. "These cases occurred mostly when the victims were hitchhiking and boarded private vehicles. We encourage people to use public transport." The sperm's exact use is not clear but is thought to be intended for "juju" or traditional rituals to bring luck – anything from enhancing good fortune, boosting business or preventing a criminal from being detected. It is also not known why the semen is taken forcibly from strangers. "It's really an issue which is mind boggling," said University of Zimbabwe sociologist Watch Ruparanganda, who believes it is a lucrative business. "It's quite a big mystery. Obviously we know (it is) being used for rituals." Ruparanganda said he was astonished to discover seven years ago that semen appeared to have become a tradable commodity, while doing research for his doctoral thesis among Harare street youth who told him that businessmen would take them to hotels, give them new clothes and ply them with booze. They were then told to pick a prostitute and to hand over the used condom after sex. "It just shows there's some big racket somewhere, some big guys driving everything, but they are in the background and using these ladies," said Ruparanganda. (Agencies) |
據報道,津巴布韋一女子團伙近日來專挑男性旅客,與其發生性行為后獲取他們的精液。 蘇珊?德里維尤稱,前一陣她將車開到路邊讓一群男性旅行者搭便車,被他們拒絕了,因為他們害怕自己會被強奸。 19歲的蘇珊小姐講述道:“現在是男人害怕女人。他們說:‘我們不能上你的車,因為我們不信任你。’” 當地媒體報道了一些在公路邊活動的受害者的遭遇,他們有的被下藥,有的在槍口或刀尖(甚至有一回是活蛇)的逼迫下服用性興奮劑,被迫多次性交,完事后被扔在路邊。 精子獵頭首次出現在當地媒體報道上是在2009年,但是警方在那年10月只逮捕了三名婦女,同時還繳獲了一個裝有31個用過的安全套的塑料袋。警方以侵犯17名男性的罪名逮捕了她們,但自那以后攻擊事件還是持續上演。 國家警署發言人韋恩?布烏德吉耶那說:“目前我們對已經證實的個案數量還不明確。” “最經常遇害的情況是搭乘順風車和上私人汽車。因此我們鼓勵人們使用公共交通工具。” 精液的確切用途還不是很清楚,但是有人認為它是被用于物神崇拜等傳統儀式,以帶來好運。只要是能帶來好運的事物都行,目的可能是為了促進生意發展,或是防止罪犯蹤跡敗露。 精液為什么要以強迫的方式從陌生人那里獲取也還不知道。 津巴布韋大學的社會學家沃趣?魯帕朗甘達說:“這真是一個令人費解的問題。”他相信這是一樁利潤頗豐的買賣,他說:“這真是個謎。不過我們知道這顯然是用于儀式的。” 魯帕朗甘達說七年前他在做博士畢業論文研究時,震驚地發現精液似乎成了一種可買賣的商品。他在津巴布韋首都哈拉雷的街頭青年當中做調查時,那些年青人告訴他說,商人會帶他們去賓館,送他們新衣服,給他們灌酒。 然后他們被告知挑一個妓女,性交之后把安全套交給商人。 魯帕朗甘達說:“這表明在某個地方存在著大型非法交易,一些大人物操縱著一切,不過他們是在幕后行動,而這些婦女是受他們利用的。” 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮 編輯:Julie) |
Vocabulary: hitchhiker: 搭便車的旅行者 prowler: 徘徊者 juju: (西非土著的)物神;護符 mind boggling: 令人困惑的 ply: 不斷給;不斷使用 racket: 非法勾當 |