![]() The parking spot at this residence on East 11th Street costs six times more than a typical family home. |
You’ll need a trunk full of cash to park here. The city’s first million-dollar parking space is on the market. The private garage at 66 E. 11th St. costs six times more than the national-average price of a single-family home. Buying it would be the same as paying a $115 ticket for illegal parking every day — for 24 years. For moguls or celebrities, however, the rare commodity of a Manhattan parking space inside their building, with a curb cut at the street, is a huge status symbol and selling point. “It’s for someone who wants complete privacy,” said Prudential Douglas Elliman Vice Chairman Dolly Lenz. “You can drive in and not be seen again. It’s for the type of person who finds that attractive. It could be a celebrity or a business person who is camera shy.” The hot space is about 12 feet wide, 23 feet long and more than 15 feet high. The spot could be “duplexed” if the buyer decides to install an elevator lift so he or she can slide both the Maserati and the Lamborghini in at the same time. The parking spot will have its own deed and sales contract, and be charged maintenance fees, just as a condo would. The city’s gaudiest garage is expected to hit the market this fall, after construction is complete and the Attorney General’s Office signs off on the building’s condo conversion. Last year, developer Morad Fareed purchased the eight-story prewar loft building for $120 million and is in the process of converting the former parking garage into six luxury condominiums with mammoth, 15-foot-high ceilings. The jewel in the building’s crown is the 8,000 square-foot duplex penthouse, with a private 3,000 square-foot terrace, which will be listed for $38.8 million, according to Lenz. The parking space isn’t the only amenity: the shower water will be pumped full of vitamin C and aloe, and the apartments will have heat reflexology flooring. The lighting patterns and air quality in the building are designed to provide its residents with a better night’s rest. The city’s second most expensive parking spot is a 300-square-foot “en suite” sky garage that’s inside of a $7 million penthouse at 200 11th Ave. (Read by Emily Cheng. Emily Cheng is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
想要在這里停車,你需要帶一大箱現金來才行。如今紐約首個百萬美元停車位即將出售。 這一位于紐約東區第11大道66號的私人車庫的售價比獨立住宅的全國均價高出6倍。把它買下來相當于24年里天天繳付非法停車的115美元罰單。 然而,對于大亨或名人而言,自己的曼哈頓大樓內的停車位可是稀有之物,這種停車位在街道上有自己的路緣坡,是一種極高的身份象征和一大賣點。 普天壽道格拉斯艾麗曼公司的副主席多利?萊茲說:“這是為那種需要絕對隱私的人準備的。你可以駕車駛入,不再被看見。這一車庫適合那種認為這點很有吸引力的人??赡苁敲嘶蚴遣幌矚g被拍照的商業人士?!?/p> 這塊炙手可熱的車位寬約12英尺,長23英尺,高為15英尺多。如果買家決定安裝一個升降電梯以便自己能同時駛進瑪莎拉蒂車和蘭博基尼車,那么該車位就會變成雙層。 這個停車位將有自己的契據和銷售合同,而且要征收維護費,就像有獨立產權的公寓一樣。 這一紐約市最豪華的車庫在建設完成并由檢察署簽署大樓的獨立產權轉移書后,將于今年秋天上市出售。 去年,開發商莫拉德?法里德花1.2億美元買下這一戰前建造的八層高樓,并正在將這一過去的停車庫改造成六個天花板超高(15英尺)、有獨立產權的豪華公寓。 萊茲說,這一大樓的最大亮點就是面積達8000平方英尺的雙層天臺公寓,帶有3000平方英尺的幽僻露臺,該天臺屋的售價將為3880萬美元。 舒適的不只有停車位,淋浴噴出的水還含有豐富的維生素C和龍舌蘭提取液,公寓內還有能加熱按摩腳部以松弛神經的地板。 大樓內的照明結構和空氣質量也經過精心設計,讓居民在夜里能好好休息。 紐約市第二昂貴的停車位是一個300平方英尺的套房空中車庫,該車庫位于紐約第11林蔭道200號的一個價值700萬美元的天臺公寓內。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮 編輯:Julie) |
Vocabulary: mogul: 大人物,顯要人物,有權勢的人,大亨 curb cut: 路緣坡,一種小的建入人行道路緣的小斜坡,以使人可以方便地進入街道 camera shy: 不喜歡被拍照 duplexed: 雙層的 deed: 契據 condo: 各戶有獨立產權的公寓(大樓) gaudy: 華而不實的 condominium: 各戶有獨立產權的公寓(大廈) mammoth: 巨大的,龐大的 the jewel in the crown: 皇冠上的寶石,喻指最耀眼、最珍貴的東西。 penthouse: 高樓上(尤指頂層)的豪華公寓;天臺屋 amenity: (環境等的)舒適,適意,優雅 reflexology: (按摩腳部以松弛神經的)反射療法 en suite: 成套的;套房的 |