![]() Make the most of it! Katy Perry, 27, has just one week left of her youth, while Keira Knightley, right, will be grown up in March, if a new study is to be believed that says we are 'old' at 28 |
Forget being over the hill at 40 - you’re now officially 'old' at just 28, a new survey has found. Almost half of all respondents to the survey said 28 was the age they considered to be when they stop being 'young' and finally grow up. Respondents were also asked to nominate the ten most popular changes in behaviour which show that you are no longer young. The most popular answer was the fact that your career becomes more important than your sex life. The second most popular reason was that you prefer listening to BBC Radio 2 rather than Radio 1. Another key pointer to show you have left your youth behind is that you have no idea what is number one in the charts. According to the findings, pop beauty Katy Perry, who turns 28 on October 25, has just over a week left of her youth. Actress Keira Knightley, meanwhile, only has a few months to go, as she turns 28 in March next year. Singer Cheryl Cole, who was 29 in June, is already fast heading to middle age. Dating site www.SeekingArrangement.com polled 1,000 male and female members to find out exactly when youth ends. A total 37 percent of women and 39 percent of men nominated 28 as the key age when you are no longer young. The second most popular answer was 30 - chosen by 27 percent of women and 24 percent of men. TEN SIGNS YOU ARE TRULY GROWN UP 1 Your career is more important than your sex life. 2 You switch from listening to BBC Radio 1 to Radio 2. 3 You want to buy a property rather than rent. 4 You have no idea what is number 1 in the charts. 5 You start looking for a husband/wife rather a boyfriend or girlfriend. 6 You prefer Strictly Come Dancing to X Factor. 7 You would rather go on holiday with a person you are in a relationship with than a group of friends. 8 You would rather cook for yourself than rely on a ready meal or takeaway. 9 You would rather live on your own than share a flat or house. 10 You stop going to nightclubs. (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
有人說40歲是一個人走向衰老的開始,忘了這句話吧,一項新調查發現,你從28歲就開始正式變老了。 該調查的應答者中有近一半稱28歲是他們認為自己不再年輕、終于長大的年齡。 該調查還讓應答者說出表明一個人不再年輕的十大行為變化。 最普遍的回答是,一個人的事業開始變得比性生活更重要。 不再年輕的第二大理由是你更喜歡收聽BBC第二電臺的節目而非第一電臺的節目。 另一個表明你已青春不再的重要事實是你完全不知道音樂排行榜第一名的歌曲是什么。 根據這一調查結果,到10月25日就滿28歲的流行天后凱蒂?佩里只剩下一周多的青春了。 與此同時,女演員凱拉?奈特利的青春也只余下幾個月了,她明年三月就滿28歲了。 6月份滿29歲的歌手謝麗爾?科爾已經向中年飛奔而去。 約會網站www.SeekingArrangement.com對1000名男女會員進行了調查,以找到青春結束的準確年齡。 共有37%的女性和39%的男性指出28歲是一個人從此不再年輕的關鍵年齡。 第二大普遍的答案是30歲——有27%的女性和24%的男性選擇了這一答案。 表明你真正長大的十個跡象: 1. 你的事業變得比你的性生活更重要。 2. 你收聽的廣播節目從BBC第一電臺換成第二電臺。 3. 你想要買房而不是租房。 4. 你不知道音樂排行榜上第一名的歌曲是什么。 5. 你開始找尋丈夫或妻子,而非男友或女友。 6. 你覺得《舞動奇跡》比《英國偶像》更好看。 7. 你更喜歡和自己的戀人一起去度假,而不是和一幫朋友去度假。 8. 你更喜歡自己下廚做飯,而不是吃即食餐或外賣。 9. 你寧愿自己一個人住,而不是和他人合住公寓或房子。 10. 你不再去泡夜店。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮 編輯:Julie) |
Vocabulary: over the hill: 青春已逝,走下坡路 ready meal: 即食餐 |