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Shotgun-themed weddings continue to boom in the US – despite the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school that saw a gunman pick off 26 people. The Las Vegas ceremonies are still a hit and organisers The Gun Store insist no weddings have been cancelled in the wake of the incident and bookings are still flooding in. Couples travel from all over the world, including the UK, to tie the knot at the Gun Store in full bridal wear before firing semi-automatics as well as pistols, UZIs and AK47s. The £300 package includes an ordained minister, access to a private VIP shooting range and five shots on a shotgun for the bride and groom. Another deal, called the Mr & Mrs Smith & Wesson, offers even more guns, ammunition and targets. Emily Miller, an ordained minister at the Gun Store, said: “We’re here because people love each other and guns. “Guns don’t have to be about anger and hate. This is a fun and energetic way to get out their aggressions and emotions.” Since February last year, ten Shotgun Weddings have been conducted each month. One couple travelled from their home in Ottawa, Canada, where gun laws are much stricter than Nevada. The chapel room, normally used for cleaning guns, had been scattered with red rose petals. And an UZI and Tommy gun had been mounted on a flowered trellis on the stage. As the couple said their vows, the loud sound of an assault weapon being fired could be heard from the nearby shooting range. They later moved to the special marble-floored VIP shooting range to seal their vows by blowing away their Nazi zombie targets. Aaron Dickson, also an ordained minister at the Gun Store, said: “One thing I like to do is to have you guys share a lane together so you can enjoy watching each other shoot. “To start off the marriage appropriately you guys get to start sharing right away - that’s the whole idea.” (Read by CJ Henderson. CJ Henderson is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
盡管剛剛發生了桑迪霍克小學槍擊悲劇事件,26人被持槍者殺害,但以槍為主題的婚禮在美國還是很盛行。 拉斯維加斯“槍支婚禮”依然很受歡迎,組織者“槍支商店”堅稱沒有因該事件而取消任何一場婚禮,而且現在還源源不斷地接到這種婚禮的訂單。 來“槍支商店”舉行婚禮的新人來自世界各地,也包括英國。新娘穿上婚紗舉行儀式后,用手槍、烏茲沖鋒槍、AK47式突擊步槍和半自動步槍進行射擊。 定價300英鎊的槍支婚禮套系包括由一名正式任命的牧師來主持婚禮,然后新郎和新娘前往私人貴賓射擊場一同發射5發子彈。 另一個名為“史密斯和維森夫婦”的套系能讓新人嘗試更多槍、用更多子彈、射擊更多目標。 “槍支商店”的一位名叫艾米麗?米勒的受命牧師說:“我們舉行這種婚禮是因為人們彼此相愛,又都很喜歡槍。 “槍不一定與怒火和仇恨相關。射擊是發泄攻擊性和情緒的一種好玩又充滿活力的方式。” 自從去年二月份以來,每個月都會舉行10場“槍支婚禮”。 一對新人專程從加拿大渥太華的家鄉來到拉斯維加斯舉行槍支婚禮,因為家鄉那里的槍支法律比美國內華達州要嚴格得多。 平日里用于清潔槍支的小禮拜堂如今已經撒上了紅色的玫瑰花瓣。 舞臺中央的花門上懸掛著一把烏茲沖鋒槍和一把湯米沖鋒槍。 在這對新人宣讀結婚誓言時,可以聽到槍支發射的巨響從附近的射擊場傳來。 稍后他們前往鋪有大理石地板的貴賓射擊場,向畫著納粹僵尸圖案的靶子射擊,以此來給他們的婚姻誓約蓋上印記。 亞倫?迪克森也是“槍支商店”的一名受命牧師,他說:“我喜歡做的一件事就是讓新郎和新娘共用一條射擊靶道,這樣他們就可以看見彼此射擊時的模樣。 “開始一段婚姻的最恰當方式,就是讓夫婦雙方立即開始分享做同一件事,這也是整個婚禮的主旨。” 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: shooting range: 射擊場 trellis: 格子框架;格子拱門;棚;架;格子墻 |