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圖為巴西世界杯吉祥物 |
Ticket prices for international fans attending the football World Cup in Brazil will start at $90 (£59, 69 euros) for initial group matches. Football's governing body Fifa announced that the cheapest ticket for overseas fans for the final on 13 July was $440 (£288) and the most expensive $990 (£650). The tournament starts on 12 June next year, with the first game being played in Sao Paulo. Tickets will go on sale from 20 August. Fans have until 10 October to apply and a ballot will be held to decide which of these applications are successful. Only later will tickets be sold on a first come, first served basis. In total about three million tickets will be available for fans. 'No surprises' For Brazilian nationals the cheapest tickets start at $15. These are only available for students, those aged over 60 and people on social welfare programmes. For other Brazilians tickets start at $30. The lowest price paid for a ticket in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa was $20, also for group stage matches in the special category set aside exclusively for residents. The governing body had previously said that tickets in Brazil would be the "cheapest ever". The Fifa ticket website will include a map of the ground that shows the location of different categories of tickets. This meant there would be "no surprises" over where fans would end up sitting, said Fifa marketing director Thierry Weil, who is in charge of ticketing strategy. Supporters can request a maximum of four seats per match, and for a maximum of seven matches. He said there would be a reselling system run by Fifa, if people were unable to attend games for which they had bought tickets. At least 400,000 tickets will be reserved exclusively for residents of Brazil, with about 50,000 for construction workers who were involved in building and upgrading the grounds for the tournament. |
據英國媒體7月19日報道,國際足聯日前正式公布了2014年巴西世界杯官方票價,其中,面向海外球迷的小組賽票價90美元起售,而7月13日的決賽票價440美元起售,最高票價為990美元。此前國際足聯曾表示2014年世界杯的門票價格將為史上最低。 據了解,2014年世界杯揭幕戰將于明年6月12日在巴西圣保羅舉行,而門票將于今年8月20日正式開售。球迷們需要在10月10日前遞交購票申請,之后會公布中簽的球迷,此后主辦方會按照“先到先得”的規則進行售賣。國際足聯一共為此次世界杯準備了300萬張門票。 巴西國民所能買到的最便宜的門票為15美元,不過僅適用于學生、60歲以上的老人以及家庭補助金項目成員,普通巴西人的門票則是30美元起售。2010年的南非世界杯也曾按照不同的人群執行不同的票價政策,當時最低的門票價格為20美元,此次巴西世界杯再次刷新了世界杯票價的最低紀錄。 根據國際足聯負責售票策略的市場總監蒂埃里?韋爾的介紹,國際足聯將會在其官方票務網站上公布不同場地位置所對應的票價,方便球迷進行選擇和比對,每個購票者最多能申請購買7場比賽的門票,而每場比賽最多只能申請購買4張門票。同時,國際足聯此次還準備了二次售票系統,幫助那些臨時有事不能看比賽的球迷進行退票并進行二次銷售。 國際足聯為巴西當地居民預留了至少40萬張門票,此外還將為參與此次世界杯場館建設的建筑工人預留約5萬張門票。 相關閱讀 (翻譯:Henrish 編輯:Julie) |