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比賽結束后,主辦方向威廉王子贈送了一根迷你馬球桿。 |
The Duke of Cambridge took a brief break from parental duties following the birth of his son, Prince George, as he played in a charity polo match. Prince William joked that it was "good to get out of the house" - but said he had to buy some nappies for his son, born on 22 July, on his way home. He also added: "I've got to make sure I'm not too late back!" The prince said his son "likes to move around a lot, he wriggles a lot, he keeps us on our toes". He scored the winning goal in the match, which was his first public appearance since Prince George was born. Prince William was presented with a child's polo mallet after the match and joked: ''Is it nappies?'' The match, in which his brother Prince Harry also played, was the 11th annual challenge game in support of charities SkillForce and the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, of which Prince William is patron and president respectively. The duke is currently on paternity leave from his job as an RAF search and rescue pilot. Meanwhile, Prince Charles received presents and cards for his grandson from well wishers as he attended the Mey Games - the world's smallest Highland games competition - in Caithness. |
綜合外國媒體8月3日報道,初為人父的英國威廉王子忙里偷閑,3日與弟弟哈里王子一同參加了一場皇家慈善馬球賽,并在球賽結束后聊起自己的育兒體驗。 ***著裝不當遭嘲諷 當地時間3日下午,剛剛榮升父親的威廉王子暫時放下育兒重擔,出現在英國南部阿斯科特的慈善馬球賽場上。這是他在7月23日陪伴妻兒出院后首次公開露面。 眼尖的媒體記者發現,威廉王子當天的衣著搭配似乎有些問題。“看看他的搭配吧,猩紅色的休閑運動鞋,配上白得晃眼的牛仔褲和一件‘時髦’的藍色襯衫……”英國《鏡報》點評道,“同許多疲憊的家長一樣,威廉王子看起來是從衣櫥里隨便抓起一身衣服套上就出門了。” ***獲贈迷你馬球桿 據悉,威廉王子和弟弟哈里王子3日參加的慈善馬球賽一年舉行一次,今年已是第11屆,旨在為慈善教育機構SkillForce和皇家馬斯登癌癥慈善會籌款。威廉王子分別出任這兩個慈善機構的贊助人和主席。 雖然著裝有些令人失望,但威廉王子當天在球場上的表現著實不錯,他為球隊打入制勝一球。比賽結束后,主辦方向威廉王子贈送禮物,這位新爸爸打趣地問是不是為小王子準備的尿布,得知禮物是一根迷你馬球桿后,他還笑道:“看來回家路上我得去買點尿布了。” 談及比賽表現時,威廉王子稱自己正處于“嬰兒模式”,“滿腦子想的都是紙尿布,我沒有百分之一百地投入比賽。”不過,他承認“走出家門放松一下”的感覺不錯,但隨后會見其他賓客時,他又強調:“我可不能太晚回家。”當被問及喬治小王子的狀況時,威廉王子說:“他很好動,經常扭來扭去。” 凱特王妃據稱正在娘家照顧兒子,威廉王子也還在休陪產假,預計他將在下周重返軍隊崗位。 (翻譯: 肉肉融 編輯: Julie) |