When the shots were fired in Dallas 50 years ago, only one Secret Service agent managed to reach President John F. Kennedy. Clint Hill is 81 now, but his memories are sharp. He was assigned to protect Mrs. Kennedy. Hill was standing closest to the first lady on the side of the car following the presidential limousine. SCOTT PELLEY: As you're beginning the motorcade through downtown Dallas, what is the crowd like and what are your concerns, if any? CLINT HILL: Well, the crowd had really grown. It was very large. They couldn't be contained on a sidewalk. They were 15 to 20 deep on each side of the street. SCOTT PELLEY: What are you watching as the cars go through those crowds? CLINT HILL: Anybody that's out of the ordinary, that stands out, that isn't dressed like everybody else, that just appears different. Those are the kinds of things we have to make note of. SCOTT PELLEY: As the motorcade turns onto Dealey Plaza what are you seeing? CLINT HILL: Immediately in front of us was the Texas Schoolbook Depository. ... We didn't see anything unusual at all ... and then when we just started to straighten out and started to gain up little bit more speed was when I heard an explosive noise over my right shoulder. The four agents on the follow-up car snapped their heads toward the noise. The two on the right side, assigned to cover the president, now looked away from the limousine. But as Hill turned, his view crossed the president's car. CLINT HILL: I saw the president grab at his throat and move to his left, and I knew something was wrong. And so that's when I jumped from my position and began ... to try and get up on the top of the back of it to form a shield there behind President and Mrs. Kennedy so no further damage could be done. CLINT HILL: Well, the crowd had really grown. It was very large. They couldn't be contained on a sidewalk. They were 15 to 20 deep on each side of the street. SCOTT PELLEY: What are you watching as the cars go through those crowds? CLINT HILL: Anybody that's out of the ordinary, that stands out, that isn't dressed like everybody else, that just appears different. Those are the kinds of things we have to make note of. SCOTT PELLEY: As the motorcade turns onto Dealey Plaza what are you seeing? CLINT HILL: Immediately in front of us was the Texas Schoolbook Depository. ... We didn't see anything unusual at all ... and then when we just started to straighten out and started to gain up little bit more speed was when I heard an explosive noise over my right shoulder. The four agents on the follow-up car snapped their heads toward the noise. The two on the right side, assigned to cover the president, now looked away from the limousine. But as Hill turned, his view crossed the president's car. CLINT HILL: I saw the president grab at his throat and move to his left, and I knew something was wrong. And so that's when I jumped from my position and began ... to try and get up on the top of the back of it to form a shield there behind President and Mrs. Kennedy so no further damage could be done. SCOTT PELLEY: Thumbs down meant what? CLINT HILL: That it was-- very grave situation. I assumed it was fatal and that's what I really meant. SCOTT PELLEY: Did you attempt to speak to the president? CLINT HILL: No, I didn't try to talk to him at all. And Mrs. Kennedy-- she only said a couple things when I was there. She said, "Oh I have his brains in my hand." And, "Oh Jack, oh Jack, what have they done? I love you, Jack." That's all I heard her say. There was nothing else said in the car at all. The limo then sped on to Parkland Hospital. That is where we pick up the story with Clint Hill on Friday, when the "CBS Evening News" will be broadcasting from Dealey Plaza in Dallas to mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination. |
當槍聲在50年前響起時,只有一位特工處特工設法靠近總統身邊,他就是克林特·希爾。如今他已經81歲了,但對這一段往事依然保留著強烈的記憶。他當時的任務是保護肯尼迪夫人。 他就站在總統豪華轎車后一輛隨行車的踏板上,離第一夫人最近。 斯科特·佩利(以下簡稱“佩利”): 你們的車隊從達拉斯市中心出發,當時人群是怎樣的?你有什么擔心,如果你有所擔心的話? 克林特·希爾(以下簡稱“希爾”): 哦,人群越來越集中。人非常多,已經擠出人行道。兩邊街道上的人群縱深有15到20英尺(4.5-6米)。 佩利: 車隊經過人群時,你在觀察什么? 希爾: 任何與有別人常人的人,扎眼的人,穿著跟別人不一樣的人,只要是不同的,就是你必須注意的。 佩利: 車隊走上迪利廣場(Dealey Plaza)的時候,你在看什么? 希爾: 在我們正前方是Texas Schoolbook Depository大樓……我們沒有看到任何不同尋常的情況……我們走上直行馬路后,開始稍稍加速,這時我聽到右側身后發出一聲巨響。 隨行車里的四名特工迅速扭頭去看,兩個在右側負責保護總統的特工現在目光偏離了總統的汽車。但希爾扭頭時,視線正好越過總統的車。 希爾: 我看見總統抓著他的喉嚨向左移動,我知道出事了。這時我從自己的位置上跳下來……爬上總統的汽車后蓋,想把肯尼迪總統和夫人擋在身后,掩護他們不再受到襲擊。 佩利:帶我經歷這個情境——你跳到地上,之后發生了什么? 希爾:好吧,我(從隨行車踏板)跳到左邊的地上。我左側緊挨著一位騎摩托車的警官。我不得不穿過摩托車和隨行車的縫隙跑向總統的車。兩輛車的距離約有5到7英尺(1.5-2.1米)。……我拼命跑過去。……后來他們告訴我,我跑過去的時候,出現了第二聲槍響。但我沒有聽到。我剛剛靠近總統的車時,就聽見第三聲槍響。這一槍打中了總統的頭部。 佩利: 你看到什么? 希爾:腦漿、血、碎骨片從傷口里涌出來……然后,肯尼迪夫人爬上汽車后蓋。她想抓住點什么向后拉。……我拉住她,把她推回后座。……這時,總統的身體向左滑倒在她的大腿上。他的臉——他的頭就倒在她的大腿上。他右側的臉朝上。我能看到他呆滯的目光。我能看到他的一部分裸露的顱腔里沒有了腦漿。我認為這是致命傷。我回過身朝后邊隨行的同事做了一個拇指向下的手勢,想讓他們明白這一點。然后,我向司機大吼一聲,將車開往醫院。 佩利: 拇指向下意味什么? 希爾: 這表示情況非常嚴重。我認為是致命的,我真的這么認為。 佩利: 你試著跟總統說話了嗎? 希爾: 沒有,我沒有。我在車上時,肯尼迪夫人就說了一兩句話。她說,“哦,我手里有他的腦漿。”還有,“哦杰克,哦杰克,他們做了什么?我愛你,杰克。”這是我聽她說的所有話。在車里再沒有說過別的了。 總統的豪華轎車后來停在帕克蘭醫院(Parkland Hospital)。以上是我們11月15日對克林特·希爾的采訪,哥倫比亞廣播公司晚間新聞將在迪利廣場向您廣播這次采訪,以紀念肯尼度總統遇刺50周年。 相關閱讀 (譯者 sxdns717 編輯 王旭泉) |