A Chinese football fan has reportedly died after staying up on successive nights to watch the World Cup. The 25-year-old man from Suzhou, near Shanghai, was found in front of his TV hours after the Netherlands beat Spain 5-1 in their first round game on Friday, which finished at around 5am Chinese time, and doctors said his death could have been caused by sleep deprivation. The time difference between Suzhou and Brazil is 11 hours, meaning fans have to stay up through the night to follow the World Cup, and it appears this particular enthusiast took things a little too far. According to the Xinhua news agency, doctors said the death was related to an excessive lack of sleep, but couldn't be sure whether it was sheer exhaustion or a possible heart attack. This is not a new problem in China, whose time zone rarely tallies with whoever is hosting the World Cup, and similar problems were reported for both the 2006 and 2010 tournaments. So when you're thinking about staying up for that crucial Japan v Greece clash, maybe consider having a nap first. |
據雅虎新聞報道,一位中國球迷在連續數夜熬夜觀看世界杯后猝死。 這位25歲的蘇州球迷14日被發現死在自家電視機前,死前數小時正在上演荷蘭5-1擊敗西班牙的小組賽,該場比賽結束時大約在中國是早上五點。醫生透露,很可能是睡眠不足導致其死亡。 蘇州與巴西的時差是11小時,這就意味著球迷須得熬通宵追賽,而這位球迷的熱情看來有點過火。 據新華社消息,醫生稱該男子的死亡與極度缺覺有關,但還不能確定到底是純粹的精疲力竭還是心臟病發作。 這種情況在中國并非首例,由于中國的時區很少跟世界杯主辦國的時區相吻合,類似的悲劇在2006年以及2010年的錦標賽上都有過報道。 鑒于此,在你想要熬夜觀看日本對希臘的關鍵一戰時,不如先考慮下打個小盹吧。 國外網友吐槽: "He suffered a sudden heart attack after realizing that Spain, his adorable team, was convincingly beaten by the brave Nethelands. The loss caused a lot of deaths most of which unheralded." “這個球迷意識到自己熱愛的西班牙隊被勇猛的荷蘭隊狠狠打敗了,就心臟病發作了。西班牙這么一輸導致了太多人毫無征兆地掛掉了。” "I think you'll find more than one football fan has died since the beginning of this years WC." “我覺得今年世界杯開賽以來,已有不止一個球迷與世長辭了。” "Asian people are always prided on their intelligence but we keep finding them dead watching sports or playing video games... quite bizarre." “亞洲人總是以自己的智慧為豪,可是我們老是能發現他們在觀看體育比賽或是玩電子游戲時猝死……真是詭異啊。” (譯者 魚麗之宴 編輯 丹妮) 掃一掃,關注微博微信
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