A four-year-old child took about 250 packets of heroin to her nursery and began passing them out, believing them to be chocolate, Delaware police say. Police say the child unknowingly brought the drugs to the centre when her mother gave her a different bag to take to nursery. The girl's mother, Ashley Tull, 30, has been charged with child endangerment and a drugs charge. Her sister told the Associated Press she had no idea the drugs were inside. Alicia Tull said her sister does not use or deal drugs and that she was taken advantage of by an individual who stored the drugs in her home without her knowledge. Delaware Police Master Cpl Gary Fournier told the Delaware News Journal newspaper the "investigation is continuing and more charges are forthcoming" but would not say whose heroin it was. Several children who received the packets went to hospital as a precaution, police said, but none of the packets was opened. In total, the bags held nearly 4g (0.14 ounce). Each packet was labelled "Slam". Ms Tull has been released on a $6,000 (£3,700) bond has been ordered not to have any contact with her children, ages 11 to four, who are in the custody of a relative, Delaware State Police said.
美國特拉華州(Delaware)警方說:“一個四歲的孩子攜帶了約250小包的海洛因到幼兒園后開始分發,孩子們以為這些是糖果。” 警方說孩子的母親給了孩子一個不同的背包,孩子不知不覺就把毒品帶到了日托中心。 女孩的母親艾希禮(Ashley)30歲,已被指控危害兒童和吸毒。 艾希禮的姐姐告訴美聯社記者她不知道背包中藏有毒品。 艾麗西亞(Alicia)說她妹妹沒有吸毒或進行毒品交易,她只是幫他人保存物品從而獲利,而有些人把毒品藏在她家,她毫不知情。 特立華州警署負責人(Delaware Police Master Cpl)加里福尼爾(Gary Fournier)告訴特拉華新聞報(Delaware News Journal nespaper):“調查還在繼續,也將會有更多指控”,但可能不會指明海洛因是誰的。 警方說一些收到小包海洛因的孩子為了確保無恙便去醫院,但是這些海洛因包裝都還是密封的。 這些海洛因重總計約4克。每個小包都被貼上了“Slam”糖果的標簽。 圖勒女士已被釋放,她交了6000美金作擔保,并且被禁止接近她的孩子們。她的孩子們4到11歲,目前由一個親戚監護。 (譯者 溪蘇的的的 編輯 Julie) 掃一掃,關注微博微信
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