Reader Question: “Calm down, Li Hua. Don't have a cow. I'm sure you'll find them.” Could you explain “have a cow”? My comments: Most recently and popularly attributed to Bart Simpson from the animated television series “The Simpsons”, “have a cow” means to get worked up and/or overreact. Bart Simpson, the rambunctious son of Marge and Homer Simpson, would often say “don’t have a cow, man” when he was telling someone to relax. A similar slang expression would be “chill out” or “keep your pants on" The phrase cannot be credited to Simpsons creator Matt Groening, however, as it is said to have been in use since the 1950’s. A similar expression used back then was “don’t have kittens”. Another well-known American cartoon character who used to say “don’t have a cow” was Shaggy from “Scooby Doo”, long before Bart Simpson said it. 本文僅代表作者本人觀點,與本網立場無關。歡迎大家討論學術問題,尊重他人,禁止人身攻擊和發布一切違反國家現行法律法規的內容。 Related stories
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Nancy Matos is a foreign expert at China Daily Website. Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Nancy is a graduate of the Broadcast Journalism and Media program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Her journalism career in broadcast and print has taken her around the world from New York to Portugal and now Beijing. Nancy is happy to make the move to China and join the China Daily team. |