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Ma Xiaowei, a vice-minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, met with Ali Sillaye Abdullah, the general secretary of Djibouti health ministry, on Sept 11, when both were taking part in the 2015 China-Arab Health Cooperation Forum, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, to talk about their work together in medical care.
Ma pointed to China’s long friendship with Arab countries and Ningxia’s role in opening-up to the outside world and a window on Arab countries and noted, “China has been increasing health cooperation with Djibouti in recent years, having sent its first medical team there in 1981, to safeguard the local people’s health.”
He also expressed his gratitude to the Djibouti government for its support for the Chinese team, to which Ali thanked China for its support and said he hopes the two countries can cooperate more in medical products and pharmaceuticals and medical staff training.
Ma said that China wants to cooperate more with Djibouti in the health sector to contribute to the health and happiness of both countries.
Taking part in the meeting were officials from the Commission’s Medical Administration Bureau and its International Cooperation Dept, and the Shanxi and Ningxia health and family planning commissions.
The World Family Organization was founded in Europe in 1947 and headquartered in Paris.
Link: / World Health Organization / United Nations Population Fund / UNICEF in China
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