Abridged Baotou industrial work report for 13th Five-Year Plan
Abridged Baotou industrial work report for 13TH Five-year Plan
To improve its economy under the 13th Five-year Plan, the city of Baotou, Inner Mongolia has come up with the following: an industrial layout that has the “east for aluminum, west for steel, south for technology, north for equipment; two sides for coal chemicals; a mountain to the north for new energy”; building six industrial bases; developing eight industrial chains for new-energy vehicles and intelligent manufacturing; transforming nine industries in rare earth; forming 10 industrial clusters for steel, equipment and rare earth new material applications; building nine industrial parks with hundreds of billions of yuan; and becoming a leader in Inner Mongolia in innovative, open development. At a recent conference, Kang Shicun, head of the municipal economic and information technology commission, described the city’s achievements under the 12th Five-year period (2016-20) and the development strategy for the 13th Five-year plan as follows:
???????????I. Review of the 12th Five-Year Plan
This period was a time when Baotou made real progress in economic development and industrial layout changes, characterized by the following:
a. Certain value-added enterprises increased by 13-percent annually on average and had an output valued that was 115.7-billion-yuan greater than for the previous year.
b.Industrial volume ranking 4thamong 52 northern cities.
c.Its steel, equipment, manufacturing, aluminum, electronic power and rare earth industries had added value of 665 billion yuan, or about 60 percent of the total of enterprises in cities of a similar size, forming a diverse industrial layout with a much support.??
d.Industrial fixed assets investment reached 670 billion yuan in the period, and 600 projects were completed.
e.All nine of the industrial zones had incomes above 10-billion yuan for the period, with the rare earth zone and equipment manufacturing zone breaking 100-billion yuan.?
f.Energy consumption of certain enterprises fell 37.5-percent and the utilization rate of industrial waste reached 72-percent. Last May, Baotou was one of the first pilot cities nationwide for low-carbon development.
?????????????????????????II. Major work for the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016 - 20)
The 13th Five-Year Plan covers a crucial period for Baotou in economic development and industrial transformation so it will continue the region's "8337" strategy and the city's "6521" strategy, and theindustrial guidelines of "east for aluminum, west for steel, south for technology, north for equipment; two sides for coal chemicals; and a mountain to the north for new energy" andfollow the principles of innovation, coordination, greenness, opening up, and sharing. It will stick to the target of building six industrial bases; forming eight new industrial chains for new-energy vehicles and intelligent manufacturing; transforming nine industries in rare earth; building 10 industrial clusters for steel, equipment and rare earth new materials; building nine industrial parks with 100s of billions of yuan each, and become a leader in regional industrial innovation and open development and develop a moderately prosperous society with these goals:
a. Promote industrial competitiveness steadily; have an industrial added value of 240-billion yuan and an annual average increase above 8 percent; greater industrial innovation capacity with more than 100 innovation and research institutes and 120 State high-tech enterprises areas; optimal industrial structure with strategic emerging industries accounting for about 25-percent and high-tech industries for about 35-percent of the total.
b. Get producer services to account for more than 25-percent of GDP; push green development; bring energy consumption per 10,000-yuan of industrial added value output down to 1.3 tons of standard coal equivalent; have an industrial wastewater utilization rate of 92-percent; industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate reaching 85 percent.
????????III. Major work for 2016
In striving to achieve all of the above, Baotou wants to get off to a good start in economic and social development during the 13th Five-year Plan, with the following for 2016:
a. Transform traditional industries and continue with government instructions, and guide enterprises in transforming production, equipment and processes through advanced technology and support them overall, while focusing on traditional industries such as steel and aluminum and helping them with technology innovation and extending the industrial chain.
b. Make the best use of information and technology for the digitized transformation of traditional equipment manufacturing, put a cooperation platform into operation and develop an?"Internet Plus" manufacturing mode by the end of this year.
c. Develop emerging industries for economic momentum, get strategic emerging industries to account for more than 20 percent of all of the city's industries, introduce policies that encourage rare earth processing, build a cluster of rare earth new materials and other functional materials, and develop the new-energy vehicle, 3D printing, drone, and robot industries through the better utilization of materials and resources.
d. Improve Baotou's innovation capacity with a strategy of innovation-driven development, with science and technology more embedded in the economy, and improve the quality and competitiveness of our economy by ensuring that enterprises lead in innovation; by helping them to make breakthroughs in key products both in the traditional areas of steel, aluminum, equipment manufacturing and rare earth, and in emerging industries such as new energy and energy material; and promote industry-school-research cooperation for the transfer and commercialization of scientific and technological developments.