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An open letter to China Daily
Dear China Daily:
Who do they think they are fooling?
China Daily put up a poll on the question of whether talks on the resolution of the N. Korean nuclear issue should be bilateral or six-party. From my vantage I find it difficult to sort out.
Why should China care?
There was a lot more sense in the Christian Science Monitor's article, "China Leadership Shifts, But It Hopes US Leaders Don't", by John Hughes, in a way, than one can usually find in an American newspaper -- the NY Times, for instance, is loaded with mostly filler, it seems.
Cultural superiority
Perhaps there is a reluctance to say that one culture is superior to another, as such a generalization would need all carefully weighed factors in some integrated equation; and this, is impossible, because all factors cannot be known.
How dumb can it get?
The American political scene is not really dumb, it is just poor entertainment. However, it is a clever cover-up of how the government's business actually works!
A day in town
While busy mucking about in the country, a couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to take some time and head into town to buy some clothes. I had been struggling with washing the few things I had, after arriving in China without my luggage (but, that is another story). This town is a little place, with only a little over half a million people!
Perseverance: another Chinese quality!
Perseverance, another Chinese quality, I bet you all didn't know you had. Add this to some of your other fine characteristics, you are all smart, generally clever, creative, innovative, hard-working, friendly, long-suffering, and more patient than some would dare to give you credit! You are also perseverant!
Love and marriage
Love and Marriage -- advice I would give my daughter
The purpose of life is simple
When you have explored all the dead-ends, when you have run around all maze courses, when you have finished looking outward, you can reflect on what you want the world to be like, that is your lesson, experience this world of need and greed and then you can go inside and seek the source of your existence within, because the answer is not outside.
The casual observer
The casual observer is not qualified to make a real study of anything. If you are in China your sampling is biased by tourists and carpet baggers, punctuated occasionally with those who have genuine and sincere interests.
The rule of law over the rule of men
Over last weekend, I saw an interview of a Deputy Secretary of the Municipal People's Congress, Professor Wu Qing, on CCTV-9 in their 'Up Close' section.
A proposal, in construction
Just a thought, so don't get too excited, yet.
On the train in China
Taking my place among the friendly Chinese folks, I had the fortune to meet a young man, a salesman for sports shoes. His English was remarkably, very good. He came from Hubei Province and now worked in Fujian Province, displaced from his family and his home to pursue an occupation. A familiar type of story, for us Americans.
The US government are taking the wrong track!
The US government and George W. Bush's administration are taking the wrong track!
Red, white, blue and star-spangled
I am an American -- no one is going to tell me how to behave! Which part of this proclamation does the rest of the world not get?
In this culture, i certainly do think face has a purpose, that is why it is here.
More on collective responsibility
Ultimately, we are all responsible, as a group, for ourselves and our interactions with others and our environment. The balance of things will bear this out in the long run. If we fail to take care, then we will suffer the consequences of not attending to our own loose behavior.
System employed by world power brokers
International alliances have always been one of constant betrayal. The US says the same lulling thing, 'status quo', while it moves the middle forward by sounding the same monotone to the press with only the occassional spitball. And so they move the theme into another direction.
Don't copy the mistakes
Don't copy the mistakes: the desert cake has maggots! China's hope is not making the same mistakes as the USA and the West.
The US has no mechanism for political accountability!
I meant to post this response earlier, but I got busy, then I got caught up and lost in other threads and forgot.
Japanese attitude vs. Chinese attitude
I really don't know the answer, or where to begin to grasp the basis of such a comparison, except for my feeling, maybe some folks have an idea?
The cost of hubris is a strong potential
A respondent put up a poster earlier in this thread, alluding to the idea that to understand something, you must first experience it, even if it means your death.
Do we need world police or world inspectors?
I am not disappointed that my fellow Americans have rushed to defend our country. I am disappointed at the lack of a decent argument to support the American action.
The common undercurrent leading to the Iraq invasion
If the Iraq Invasion can be called an Anglo-led coalition, then one point should be made, which is that there is no racial commonality.
Kerry meets the press
Today I watched Senator Kerry answer questions on the US TV media show, Meet the Press.
The US Marines in Iraq
I heard a report from within Iraq reporting on the morale of the American troops. Apparently many of the Marines were preparing to return to the US when all this trouble began.
America, desperados
Mr. Bush: "Pack the spies up and bring them home"
The rage is beyond blind!
It is sad to see the media actually release the ugly horror of the truth associated with homicidal idiots.
Government Business
I think, there are at least two other major currents in the Chinese culture that have some influence as well, Buddhism and Taoism; but that is not all either!
The Japanese are looking for an incident in the Diaoyu Island group
The Japanese are looking for an incident in the Diaoyu Island group. I think the Americans ought to straighten out the mess they left the world at the close of WW II, and let Japan know that its imperialism belongs to an age long ago!
Of Mr. Rumsfeld's published opinion -- further misinformation!
Typical of the everyday US government's propaganda machine of disinformation, and more particular of the idiocy the government perhaps really believes; or perhaps they merely believe that such light argument is sufficient to get the whole truth obscured enough to bring out a certain otherwise indefensible point.
The US foreign policy is clearly expansionist
The American government's foreign policy is clearly expansionist and the world game is territory.
Taiwan holds American hostage ...
Taiwan holds American hostage, enjoying the fruits of the American's money, in taxes, personnel, bureaucracy and supplies, in everything from war machines to a standing heavily armed Navy.
Taiwanese-Mainland paired Chinese Entreprenuerial Initiative
Perhaps China is already working on idea similar to this one, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised:
Tear down that shrine!
I am totally unfamiliar with the Japanese Law and Constitution. However, I think that by the Law of Human Dignity, the shrine should be removed.
No one is saying that Taiwan should belong to the US!
Thanks "abccbc" for contributing that article by Earl Carr from Asia Times Online, it was interesting and had some good points, I think.
Please stop poking the Dragon!
China allows Taiwan to becomes totally independent, then what? Who is going to protect it from the land grabbers, territorialists and other various world powers?
We must place increased focus on the development of democratic values and human
We must place increased focus on the development of democratic values and human...
The OT, the NT, and the living Bible
Well, since no one answered my quandary about whether God changed Its mind when the Old Law of the Old Testament was supplanted by the New Law of the New Testament, I will attempt an explanation from my limited perspective.
Of War and other minor things
I know that the history of mankind is full of bloodshed and horror, that war seems to have been an inevitable part of our past.
What one seems to notice is the things that stand out in a picture.
Of people, places and things
China is a frontier of new possibilities.
Love has brought you here!
Love -- a true dissociated Love (not infatuation or attachment or lustful Love!) is to allow what is, to be, without any desire to change it, but to accept a thing or another, just as they are -- that is how God loves, I think!
Government must maintain authority over organized religion
Well, this is just an idea (borrowing, a bit, from the Church of England), and perhaps China is working on its own idea already. I don't know if there is such a post equivalency as a Minister of Religion, perhaps there is.
College jobs in management and for creating new businesses
Well, this is just my ever evolving picture of China's business situation, perhaps my assessment is a bit naive though, as I can only give a cursory perspective.
The US really should not even be involved in Taiwan issue!
Well, I do not know what the will of the Taiwanese people is, you are right! However, for those that want to force a confrontation, I certainly feel like I have a thing to say to them!
About media - reply to "tsupasat"
Flexibility and rapid adaptability are essential
Social and cultural flexibility and rapid adaptability are essential, I think, to keep up with the pace of changes in the world, as the rate of change that is allowed by technology, is very rapid and far-reaching in its ability to affect everyone's lives.
A world perspective
It seems to me that China's current leadership has demonstrated the wisdom from its perspective of having to face a very complex world, throughout all of its existence. Though only a bit over 50 years, it is a very fresh and current perspective, and more worldly neutral, in origin.
The world
Kids -- we asked ourselves those same questions, in great seriousness, about 23 years ago -- my son is now about your age. We asked those same questions again about 15 years ago, now my daughter is 14 years old. I like kids! They make life worth living!
Of race and reason
Another Scenario
I really do not see too much negative media or thinking in the US, that is actually directed at China. China has not been a threat to the US.
What China needs!
Well, I guess China doesn't need too much, accept the rest of the world to understand China. China's government is more stable than any other; stability is all we need for peace and prosperity. So this shouldn't be too hard, should it?
Notice to Taiwanese Youth!
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