影片對白 Where's the line between professional girlfriend and just plain professional?
思想火花 女人應(yīng)該用身體去換取奢華的生活嗎?這一集中的交際花Amalita 周旋于富有的男人中間,用付出身體的代價,換得金碧輝煌的生活……
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5. Keep me posted
意思是"有消息通知我"。我們在The Queen《女王》中也學(xué)過一個同樣意思的表達:keep me updated。
6. Call it a night
Call it a day 的意思大家應(yīng)該都知道吧,就是"Stop a particular activity for the rest of the day",比如快到下課的時候,老師說"Let's call it a day."意思就是"這節(jié)課結(jié)束了"。同樣的,call it a night 的意思就是"to stop something for the rest of the night",例如:One more hand of bridge and then let's call it a night.
7. Be dying for
這個片語的原形是die for,意思是"long for, desire excessively渴望,強烈的希望",例如:I'm dying for some ice cream.
8. Cut back
意思是"Reduce, decrease",例如:They are going to cut back defense spending.
John and Lorena Bobbitt
電影中 Samantha 提到 Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt,這個說法其實大有來歷。
John Wayne Bobbitt (born March 23, 1967 in Buffalo, New York) and Lorena Leonor Gallo de Bobbitt (born 1970 in Bucay, Ecuador) were an American couple, married on June 18, 1989, known for a 1993 incident in which Lorena severed John's penis with a kitchen knife.
On the night of June 23, 1993, Lorena Bobbitt chopped off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife as he lay sleeping in their Manassas, Virginia, home. She then drove off with the severed penis and flung it out her car window. Police performed a diligent search and located it, and it was then surgically reattached.
In statements to police, she explained that she had cut off the penis because her husband "raped her" and "wouldn't stop." John contested these accusations by elaborately detailing his allegedly unsuccessful attempts at talking to her the previous night.
Two trials followed this incident. In the first, John faced charges stemming from accusations of assault against Lorena. He was acquitted of this charge in September 1993.
In the second, Lorena was charged with "malicious wounding" of which she was found not guilty in January of 1994 on the basis of expert testimony that she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of her husband's abuse. According to her defense lawyers, on the night of the attack, Lorena's PTSD manifested itself in a form of temporary insanity causing an irresistible impulse to sexually wound her husband. As a result, she could not be held liable for her actions. After the jury issued a verdict of not guilty, Lorena was ordered to spend 45 days in a psychiatric hospital.
Explanations for the incident
One hypotheses for the timing and form of Lorena's attack centers on her testimony of how John has pushed her into an unwanted abortion a year after they had been married, and almost exactly three years before the attack. The theory that this incident was an extreme manifestation of post-abortion trauma was first proposed by David Reardon, Ph.D. In support of this view, Reardon analyzes dozens of facts reported from the trial, three of which are described here. First, Lorena testified that she had experienced flashbacks to the abortion just before picking up the knife used for the attack. Secondly, she testified that she had experienced an anxiety attack and psychosomatic abdominal cramping four days before the attack. Reardon interprets this as evidence that she was experiencing a post-traumatic anniversary reaction, which involves an intensified period of PTSD symptoms. Third, Lorena testified to experiencing fears she would never be able to have children following the abortion. From these and other bits of evidence, Reardon asserts: "It takes no leap of imagination to see how a woman, such as Lorena who, on an unconscious level felt that she had been sexually mutilated by her abortion, would, in a moment of bitter passion, attempt to 'castrate' her husband. Lorena's subconscious decision to limit her attack to his penis, I would suggest, may have reflected an 'eye for an eye' form of justice. He had robbed her of her fertility; she robbed him of his."
Trivia and popular culture
The case created a popular sensation at the time and was a frequent subject of jokes and joking references. It even seemed possible for a while that the Bobbitt name might enter the language.
哈佛法學(xué)院是美國最好的法學(xué)院之一,Miranda 本身是個律師,Lorena Bobbitt 是涉案女主角。Samantha 把這三者綜合起來開了個玩笑。
影片對白 Where's the line between professional girlfriend and just plain professional?
思想火花 女人應(yīng)該用身體去換取奢華的生活嗎?這一集中的交際花Amalita 周旋于富有的男人中間,用付出身體的代價,換得金碧輝煌的生活……
考考你 趁熱打鐵