影片對白 I know it's a big change. But at some point, you have to get serious and settle down. I mean, life is not a Jacqueline Susann novel--four friends looking for life and love in the big city.
文化面面觀 多才的演員 Jacqueline Susann
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Carrie: I think we should go. It's the right thing to do.
Samantha: Give me one good reason.
Okay. You're driving down the road. You see a sign. It says "two-headed snake." Youpull over. Wild Laney is having a baby shower. You pull over.
Samantha:She's got a point. It's the right thing to do. Just imagine how fat she must be.
Carrie: As I penciled in the date, I noticed something missing. In between the Versace show and dinner at Moomba, there it wasn't--my period, four days late. That Saturday, also known as "Seven Days Late", four city girls set off to visit the country mice. Are we there yet?
Miranda: I've already had two of these, so we're gonna be stopping a lot.
Carrie: Hey, nice outfit. Is there gonna be some belly dancing at the shower?
Samantha: Yeah. Right after the gifts.
Carrie: Shit! I totally spaced. I've forgot to buy her a present. How tacky is it to give the mother-to-be a fistful of cash?
Samantha: Oh, don't worry about it. You cango inon mine.
Carrie: You bought a pregnant woman a bottle of Scotch?
Samantha: The invitation saidBYOB.
Miranda: That meant "bring your own baby."
Carrie: What did you get her?
Miranda: Condoms.
Carrie: Seriously, what did you get her?
Miranda: Seriously. They're pastel.
Charlotte: Hey, guys! Wait, wait! Hey, guys, wait for me!
Samantha: Oh, my God!
Miranda: Look at the size of that thing. We could drive that to Connecticut.
Carrie: I'm putting my name on that card.
Samantha: All right. Go, go, go, go. Does anybody know how to drive?
Charlotte: I just have to tell you your home is beautiful.
Laney: Thank you. I know it's a big change. But at some point, you have to get serious andsettle down. I mean, life is not a Jacqueline Susann novel--four friends looking for life and love in the big city.
Charlotte: Stop it! You are not going to clean up at your own shower.
Woman: Yeah, relax, 'cause once little Todd or Shayla comes around, you'll never stop cleaning up.
Charlotte: Shayla? Did you say Shayla?
Woman: It's so unique, isn't it?
Charlotte: It's so my name!
Woman: I thought your name was Charlotte.
Charlotte: No, it's not my name. It's my name, my secret baby name that I made up when I was 11 years old for my daughter when I had her. I told you. Don't tell me you don't remember.
Laney: No, I'm sorry, I really don't.
Carrie: A complete lie. She remembered. We all remembered. Charlotte had made us all swear never to use it.
Laney: Anyway, I think my husband heard it somewhere else.
Charlotte: Really? Where? Because I didn't tell him.
Laney: I can't believe you're freaking out over a name.
Woman: I mean you're not even pregnant.
Charlotte:That's not the point!
Samantha: What's going on?
Charlotte: She stole my baby name.
Samantha: You bitch! Let's go.
1. Pull over
意思是"將車泊到路邊",例如:The police officer told the driver to pull over.
2. She's got a point.
這里的意思是"她說的有道理"。片段中的"That's not the point."意為"這不是重點"。總之,point在很多場合都有很多用法,要多多揣摩。
3. Go in
這里的go in 意思是"Join others in some venture",例如:He went in with the others to buy her a present.
影片中Miranda 說這個縮寫的意思是"bring your own baby",實際上這個縮寫常用來代表 bring your own booze / bottle。國外流行的一種聚會方式,就是去參加的時候自己帶酒,難怪Samantha要理解錯了。
5. Settle down
這里指的是"Begin living a stable, orderly life開始過一種穩定的、有規律的生活",也常用來指"結婚",通常人們認為結婚才會穩定。例如:After traveling all over the world for years, he decided to settle down in his home town.