Aldo: Werner, if you heard of us, you probably heard we ain't in the prisoner-taking business. We in the killing Nazi business, and, cousin, business is a-booming.
Hirschberg: (Laughing) Oh, yeah.
Aldo: Now, that leaves two ways we can play this out. Either kill you or let you go. Whether or not you're going to leave this ditch alive depends entirely on you. Up the road a piece, there's an orchard. Besides you, we know there's another Kraut patrol fucking around here somewhere. If that patrol were to have any crack shots, that orchard would be a goddamn sniper's delight. So if you ever want to eat a sauerkraut sandwich again, you got to show me on this here map where they are. You got to tell me how many they are, and you got to tell me what kind of artillery they're carrying with them.
Werner: (Scoffing) You can't expect me to divulge information that would put German lives in danger.
Aldo: Well, now, Werner, that's where you're wrong, because that's exactly what I expect. I need to know about Germans hiding in trees. And you need to tell me. And you need to tell me right now. Now, just take that finger of yours and point out on this here map where this party is being held, how many is coming and what they brought to play with.
Werner: I respectfully refuse, sir.
(Bat tapping)
Aldo: Hear that?
Werner: Yes.
Aldo: That's Sergeant Donny Donowitz. You might know him better by his nickname. The Bear Jew. Now, if you heard of Aldo the Apache, you got to have heard about The Bear Jew.
Werner: I heard of The Bear Jew.
Aldo: What did you hear?
Werner: Beats German soldiers with a club.
Aldo: He bashes their brains in with a baseball bat, what he does. And, Werner, I'm going to ask you one last goddamn time, and if you still respectfully refuse, I'm calling The Bear Jew over. He's going to take that big bat of his, and he's going to beat your ass to death with it. Now, take your Wiener-schnitzel-licking finger, and point out on this map what I want to know.
Werner: Fuck you. And your Jew dogs.
(Basterds laughing) (Basterds applauding)
Aldo: Actually, Werner, we're all tickled to hear you say that. Quite frankly, watching Donny beat Nazis to death is the closest we ever get to going to the movies. Donny!
Donny: Yeah?
Aldo: Got us a German here who wants to die for country. Oblige him.
(Bat tapping)
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. play out: 履行,完成。看一下例子:The battle for the leadership was played out.(爭奪領導權之戰結束了。)
play out還有“(使)筋疲力盡,(使)耗盡”的意思。例如:By night he was played out.(到晚上他已是疲憊不堪。)
2. crack shot: 神槍手。
3. sniper: 狙擊手。
4. sauerkraut sandwich: 德國泡菜三明治。
5. divulge: 泄露(秘密等)。例如:The secret has been divulged to no one.(機密沒有向任何人泄露過。)
6. bash: 猛擊,重擊。例如:bash sb. on the nose(對準某人的鼻子猛擊一拳)
7. Wiener schnitzel: 酥炸小牛排。
8. tickle: 使發笑,使歡娛。看一下例子:The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.(滑稽演員講笑話引人發笑。)
tickle還有“使高興,使滿足”的意思。例如:I was highly tickled at the idea.(這主意使我高興極了。)
9. oblige sb.: 施恩惠于某人,幫某人的忙。例如:Will you oblige me by closing the window?(勞您駕替我關上窗好嗎?)