FBI 美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局
本片段劇情: 柯斯勒找到了露辛達的女兒戴安娜,想讓她幫忙破解預(yù)言數(shù)字的秘密,但戴安娜卻拒絕了他,以為他是一派胡言。無奈之下,柯斯勒撥通了美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局的電話,告知了他們明天將要發(fā)生襲擊的確切地點,希望封鎖附近路段。但聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局的工作人員會相信他嗎?襲擊會按照預(yù)言發(fā)生嗎?
Koestler: Hi.
Diana: Hi.
Koestler: Is that your daughter?
Diana: Yeah, why?
Koestler: Why? That's my son, and they look like they're already best friends.
Diana: Yeah, Abby's probably telling him about the animals. Even as a baby, she was completely fascinated with them.
Koestler: Yeah, he's the same. He likes extinct animals. I'm John.
Diana: Hi. Diana. What are they doing now?
Koestler: Caleb's showing her something in sign language.
Diana: I'm sorry. I didn't realize...
Koestler: He's not. Sounds just get jumbled up sometimes. He has a hearing aid, which helps, but he's not deaf. He is an expert in sign language.
Diana: I don't think it's ever been this hot in October. Air conditioner must be out.
Caleb: Dad, can we get a drink?

Abby: Can we get one, too?
Koestler: Hey, would you and Abby like to join us?
Diana: Sure, that'd be nice. Abby, this is John.
Abby: Hi.
Koestler: Hey, Abby.
Abby: What's that over there?
Diana: It can be tough sometimes, because, you know, I'm by myself.
Koestler: I know how you feel.
Diana: You're a single parent, too?
Koestler: Yeah.
Diana: I kicked him out years ago. He couldn't keep his hands to himself, so I decided he couldn't keep me to himself either.
Koestler: Well, it's... It's his loss.
Diana: And you? You're separated, or...
Koestler: Diana, we didn't meet here by accident. I need to talk to you about something, ask you something about your mother.
Diana: My mother? What about my mother?
Koestler: Did she have some kind of ability?
Diana: Ability?
Koestler: A gift of some kind?
Diana: Who are you?
Koestler: Yeah, it's awkward. You don't know me. I'm John Koestler. I teach astrophysics at MIT. My son goes to William Dawes Elementary, which is the same school your mother went to. Fifty years ago, she put this in a time capsule. It's a list of dates, events that I think she believed would happen.
Diana: Look, I don't know what any of this is about...
Koestler: And I thought if I could talk to you or your father...
Diana: My father's dead.
Koestler: I think it's possible that there are people, like your mother, Lucinda, who can see things before they occur.
Diana: Abby, we're leaving! Honey?
Koestler: I followed one of your mother's predictions and I watched 81 people burn to death in that plane crash yesterday, when she said it would happen, where she said it would happen, and there was nothing I could do about it. She says 170 people will die tomorrow in New York City, and in three days' time, October 19th, 33 more.
Diana: Stay away from me and my daughter. Abby? Let's go, honey. Come on.
Koestler: Stay right there. Diana? Diana, I think this has something to do with my son.
Diana: Get in there, honey.
Koestler: I don't know how, or why, but I think he's in danger. So I'm asking you please, please help us.
Diana: I can't.
Man on TV: A class-action suit brought by the families of the victims is meant to be heard beginning next month. Commuters along the Eastern Seaboard are reassessing their travel plans in response to an FBI warning of a possible terrorist plot. The Department of Homeland Security raised the national threat level from elevated to high after intelligence reports suggested an attack on a major East Coast city may be imminent. Police have urged citizens to stay vigilant.
FBI agent: FBI New York, how may I direct your call?
Koestler: The attack will take place tomorrow at the corner of Lafayette and Worth Streets. Cordon off the area from midnight. Are you clear on that?
Sir, let me patch you through to our agents...
Koestler: Please! Do exactly as I say or many people will die. This is not a crank call.
妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用
1. sign language:手語。供聽力言語障礙的人使用的手勢用語。
2. hearing aid:助聽器。
3. single parent:單親,single father(單身父親)或single mother(單身母親)。
我們平時所說的“單親家庭”就是single parent family.
4. kick someone out: 攆走,把某人轟出去。
例如:We had to kick a guy out the bar last night for being too drunk. He kept falling asleep on the table.(昨晚我們不得不把一名顧客從酒吧里攆出去。他醉倒了,一直趴在桌子上睡覺。)
而get a kick out of sth.則是指“從某事中得到樂趣”,例如:He gets a kick out of a comic book.(他看連環(huán)圖畫書看得津津有味。)
5. keep one’s hands to oneself: to refrain from touching anything or anyone; to refrain from punching or poking someone(吊兒郎當(dāng),手腳不干凈,在這里戴安娜是說自己的丈夫總是沾花惹草。)
6. by accident: 偶然。
例如:It was broken by accident.(不是被故意打破的。)
7. class-action:集體訴訟,是指一個人或幾個人為原告,代表一個更大的團體的訴訟案件。例如消費者集體訴訟,員工集體訴訟。
8. elevated: 較高(指恐怖級別)。
高(High,橙色): 高恐怖襲擊風(fēng)險
較高(Elevated,黃色): 顯著的恐怖襲擊風(fēng)險
警戒(Guarded,藍色): 一般的恐怖襲擊風(fēng)險
低(Low,綠色): 低恐怖襲擊風(fēng)險=
9. vigilant:警惕的,警醒的。
例如:The police said that the public should be vigilant.(警方表示公眾應(yīng)保持警惕。)
10.cordon off:用警戒線隔離。
例如:The police has cordoned off the town centre.(警察用警戒線圍住市中心。)
例如:Patch me through to your boss this instant!(立刻給我接通你們老板的電話。)
12.crank call:詐騙電話,騷擾電話。也稱為hoax call。
FBI 美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局