當前位置: Language Tips> 專欄作家> Zhang Xin
In other words, rags to riches, riches to rags. Fortunes made, fortunes lost.
Down time refers to a period of break, hiatus or sabbatical during an otherwise hectic and busy schedule.
All hat and no cattle is descriptive of someone who talks big but doesn't act on his words.
If someone or something is described as a wrecking ball, he or she, or it is something that can do great damage and destruction.
Red meat represents raw, basic food that serves our basic appetite. Our basic appetite represents our basic needs.
“Cloak and dagger” indicate a plot of heroic and/or horrific drama full of breathtaking, daring and pulsating twists and turns.
It means doing or saying something that causes you problems, especially unnecessary problems.
A level-headed person is sensible and steady, not easily annoyed or disturbed.
Deep state refers to people who run a country (state) from behind the scenes.
Generally speaking, “staying power” points to the durability of something.
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