財富效應 wealth effect
[ 2009-08-06 15:05 ]
Carliner (director of research at the Economic Strategy Institute) said in the future, when the recession has ended and growth begins to pick up, the recovery is likely to be restrained because the so-called "wealth effect" will no longer drive demand.
在上面的報道中,wealth effect就是an increase in spending that accompanies an increase or perceived increase in wealth(財富增長或者感覺財富增長時帶來的消費增長),即“財富效應”。也就是說人們資產越多,越富有(或感覺越富有),消費欲就越強。
與wealth effect相關的還有expected wealth value(預期資產價值)和expected wealth effect(預期資產效果),二者均表示對手中的或即將到手的wealth/assets(資產)的價值和經濟效應所做的預估。
投機客 speculator
復蘇綠芽 green shoots
高附加值商品 high value-added commodities
資本支出 capital expenditure(capex)
(英語點津 陳丹妮,Helen 編輯)