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Resemblance: Mr Jandali just found out a few years ago that Jobs, 56, is his son(dailymail.co.uk) |
Steve Jobs' biological father has spoken about his yearning to meet his son before he dies and the regret he feels in giving him up for adoption. Abdulfattah John Jandali, a Syrian immigrant who now works as a vice-president at a casino in a Reno, Nevada, said he did not realise until a few years ago that the billionaire was the son he gave up for adoption more than 50 years ago. He said he has emailed the former Apple CEO a few times but admitted that Syrian pride means he would never call him. He said: 'This might sound strange, though, but I am not prepared, even if either of us was on our deathbeds, to pick up the phone to call him. 'Steve will have to do that, as the Syrian pride in me does not want him ever to think I am after his fortune.' According to the New York Post, his ex-wife Joanne Simpson gave up the baby as her father did not approve of her marrying a Syrian. Mr Jandali said if it had been his choice he would have wanted to keep the baby. Joanne moved to San Francisco from Wisconsin in 1955, had the baby alone and gave it up for adoption. The Syrian immigrant, who has been described as a workaholic who is trying to avoid retirement at all costs, said he hoped his son would call him someday so the two could simply go for a cup of coffee. He said: 'I'd be lying if I said it doesn’t sadden me to have not been part of my son’s incredible journey. What father wouldn’t think that? And I would think that even if he was not the head of a hugely successful company 'Now I just live in hope that, before it is too late, he will reach out to me, because even to have just one coffee with him just once would make me a very happy man.' Jobs, who has endured a much-publicised battle with cancer since 2004, has always been fiercely protective of his private life and little is known about the powerhouse behind the Apple brand. The stereotype of a cool New York sophisticate, he famously wears only black and has a minimalist philosophy so severe that friends recall visiting his mansion to find it virtually empty but for a picture of Einstein, a Tiffany lamp, a chair and a bed. (Read by Christine Mallari. Christine Mallari is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies)
史蒂夫?喬布斯的生父錢德里近日表示,希望能在有生之年與兒子相見,并對把喬布斯送人收養感到內疚。 喬布斯的生父阿卜杜法塔赫?約翰?錢德里是一名敘利亞移民,目前在內華達州里諾的一家賭場擔任副總裁。他說自己直到幾年前才知道億萬富翁喬布斯就是50年前送人撫養的兒子。 錢德里說,他曾給喬布斯發過幾次郵件,但他也承認,由于有著身為敘利亞人的自尊,他不會給兒子打電話。史蒂夫?喬布斯剛剛卸任蘋果CEO。 他說:“也許這聽起來很奇怪,但我真沒準備好給他打個電話,即使我們倆有人即將死去。” “應該是喬布斯給我打電話。作為一名敘利亞人,我不希望他認為我是在貪圖他的錢財。” 據《紐約郵報》報道,錢德里的前妻喬安娜?辛普森當年拋棄了喬布斯,是因為她父親不同意她嫁給一個敘利亞人。錢德里說如果當時決定權在他,他會把孩子養大。 1955年,喬安娜從威斯康星州搬到舊金山,獨自在那里生下了喬布斯,并把他送人撫養。 錢德里是個工作狂,想盡一切辦法不退休。他說他希望兒子有一天可以聯系他,哪怕只是一起喝杯咖啡。 他說:“沒能陪伴兒子走過輝煌的人生旅程,如果我說我不難過,那肯定是在撒謊。哪個父親不是那么想的呢?即使他不是一個非常成功的公司總裁,我也會那樣想。” “我現在只是希望他能和我聯系,希望不至于太晚,哪怕只是坐在一起喝一次咖啡,我也很開心。” 喬布斯一直嚴守自己的私生活,人們對蘋果品牌背后的這個“超人”知之甚少。自2004年被診斷患有癌癥之后,他的抗癌之戰一直備受關注。 在人們的印象中,喬布斯是個很酷的紐約奇才,他以只穿黑色衣服著稱,還是一個嚴苛的極簡主義者。據朋友們回憶,他的豪宅十分簡陋,只有一張愛因斯坦的照片,一盞蒂凡尼臺燈,一把椅子和一張床。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 實習生蘇德悅 編輯:Julie) |
Vocabulary: yearning: an intense or overpowering longing, desire, or need; craving(思念,渴望) casino: a public room or building for gambling and other entertainment.(有跳舞、音樂等娛樂的賭場) be after:追趕, 尋找 workaholic: a person obsessively addicted to work(工作狂) at all costs:regardless of the expense or effort involved; by any means(不惜任何代價,無論如何) powerhouse:one that possesses great force or energy(精力充沛的人) sophisticate: (某方面的)精通者 minimalist: 極簡主義者,最低限要求者 |