![]() JAPAN'S new prime minister admits he is no Mr Charisma - Yoshihiko Noda likens himself to a marine bottom-feeder rather than a glittering goldfish. But that, he says, is his appeal. |
JAPAN'S new prime minister admits he is no Mr Charisma - Yoshihiko Noda likens himself to a marine bottom-feeder rather than a glittering goldfish. But that, he says, is his appeal. The 54-year-old, who as finance minister kept to plodding statements so as not to spook financial markets, stresses his credentials as a responsible, moderate and middle-of-the road leader at a time of national crisis. When he announced his candidacy in an essay in a conservative magazine this month, Mr Noda said: "I am an ordinary man. I do not have large financial resources... I am not stylish and my looks are not my selling point." On Monday, making his final pitch for the leadership of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, he used the fish metaphor, humbly telling his fellow DPJ MPs: "I am a loach. I can't be a goldfish." The son of a paratrooper in the Self-Defence Forces, Noda, a married father of two, holds broadly conservative political views. This month, on the anniversary of Japan's World War II surrender, he angered neighbour South Korea when he said that Japanese Class-A war criminals convicted by an Allied tribunal were in fact not war criminals. Noda is a graduate of the prestigious Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics. He then joined the Matsushita Institute of Government and Management, set up by Panasonic founder and business guru Konosuke Matsushita. The elite leadership course trains its students in management skills and world affairs, but also in ancient arts such as the Japanese tea ceremony, kendo stick fighting and Zen meditation. Mr Noda is the first Matsushita alumnus to lead Japan. He was first elected at age 29 to the legislature of Chiba outside Tokyo and entered national politics in his mid-30s with the short-lived Japan New Party of Morihiro Hosokawa, who later became prime minister. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
新一屆日本首相野田佳彥坦言自己并非魅力先生——他將自己比作水底的泥鰍而不是閃閃發光的金魚。但是他說,這正是他魅力所在。 54歲的野田佳彥強調在國家面臨危機之時,他的角色是一個負責任的、溫和的、走中間路線的領導人。在任財務相時,他一直秉承穩健的主張,避免使金融市場受到驚嚇。 本月他在一本保守主義雜志上撰文,宣布自己將參選首相。他說:“我是一個普通人。我沒有那么大的財政資源。我不時尚,相貌也沒什么賣點。” 周一,在競選當政的日本民主黨黨首的最后講演中,他用了金魚的比喻,謙遜地告訴他的民主黨國會議員說:“我是一條泥鰍,不可能成為一條金魚。” 野田佳彥是自衛隊一名傘兵的兒子,已婚,是兩個孩子的父親。政治觀點上,他持明顯的保守立場。 本月,在日本二戰投降紀念日時,他揚言被盟軍法庭定罪的日本甲級戰犯事實上不是戰犯,此言激怒了鄰國韓國。 野田佳彥畢業于久負盛名的早稻田大學政治經濟學院。 隨后他又考入由松下集團創始人、商業大亨松下幸之助創辦的松下政經塾。 精英領袖課程培養學生的管理能力和處理國際事務的能力,但同時也教授古典藝術,譬如日本茶道、劍術和禪修。 野田佳彥是松下政經塾第一位執掌日本的校友。 29歲時,他首次當選為東京城外的千葉縣議員,30多歲時步入國家政壇,加入由細川護熙組建的短命的新黨。細川護熙后來成為了首相。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 實習生沈清 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: charisma: 神秘的個人魅力;(能吸引效忠的)領袖氣質 bottom-feeder: 水底魚 plodding: 行動沉重緩慢的 spook: to startle and cause nervous activity in; frighten(嚇唬) pitch: a line of talk designed to persuade(演說) loach: 泥鰍 paratrooper: 傘兵 tribunal: 法庭 guru: 宗師 kendo: 劍道 alumnus: 男校友 |