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The San Diego Convention Center, with its sail-like roof, is surrounded by the downtown skyline, Embarcadero Park (foreground), the Marriott Marina, and San Diego Bay. [Agencies] |
San Diego, which has been touted as having one of the best climates in the United States, is also the luckiest, according to a new ranking. The sunny southern California city won the top spot in the Men's Health magazine list of America's 100 luckiest towns, with Baltimore, Phoenix, Wilmington in Delaware and Richmond, Virginia not far behind. "Luck is basically our modern world's magic," said David Zinczenko, editor in chief of the magazine. "People need to believe in luck because it allows them to give a name to the randomness of life, and when you name something, you have more power over it." To determine the most charmed towns the magazine analyzed data about cities with the most lottery and sweepstake winners, the most hole-in-ones on the golf course, the fewest lighting strikes, the least deaths from falling objects, and the lowest debt due to playing the lottery and race betting. "San Diego's multiple jackpot winners, its low lightning strike count, and its low number of lightning-related injuries and deaths helped push it to the top," Zinczenko said. Las Vegas, the gambling capital of the country, and another betting hub, Reno, Nevada, also landed in the top 10. "It is in the top 10," Zinczenko said about Las Vegas. "And you have to remember that there would be no Vegas if all of the gamblers were lucky all of the time." At the opposite end of the spectrum Lady Luck was shinning the least on Charleston in West Virginia. It was the town with the highest rate of deaths from falling objects, with four times as many as San Diego, and had no lottery or sweepstake winners. Tampa in Florida, Jackson, Mississippi and Memphis were also among the least lucky cities. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
根據最新排名,被奉為美國氣候最宜人城市之一的圣地亞哥,也是全美“最幸運城市”。 這座陽光明媚的南加州城在《男性健康》雜志全美100個最幸運城鎮的評選中贏得了桂冠。巴爾的摩、鳳凰城、特拉華州的威爾明頓、以及弗吉尼亞州的里士滿緊隨其后。 該雜志主編大衛·辛振可說:“運氣是現代世界的法寶。人們需要相信運氣,因為這給人生的不可預測找了個說法,而當你可以給它找到說法時,也就有了更多的力量駕馭它?!?/p> 為了選出最幸運的城市,該雜志還分析了這些城市的相關數據,包括中彩者和賭金獨得者最多;高爾夫球場上一桿進球的數量最多;雷擊最少;高空墜物導致的死亡率最低;因玩彩票和賭馬的欠債最低。 辛振可說:“圣地亞哥中獎率高、雷擊少、雷擊致傷數少,因而位居榜首”。 賭城拉斯維加斯,和同樣以賭博著稱的內華達州里諾市也躋身前十。 辛振可說:“拉斯維加斯位居前十,但你要知道,如果所有的賭徒都總是那么幸運,就不會有賭城存在了?!?/p> 根據該評選,“幸運女神”最不眷顧的城市是西弗吉尼亞州的查爾斯頓。這座城市因高空墜物造成的死亡率最高,是圣地亞哥的四倍,而且還沒人中過彩票。 此外,佛羅里達州的坦帕、杰克遜、密西西比、和孟菲斯也入選最不走運城市。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Rosy 編輯:馮明惠) |
Vocabulary: tout: 極力贊揚, 極力宣揚,吹捧 charmed: 被魔力保護的 sweepstake:賭金全贏制,彩票 hole-in-one: 一擊入洞 jackpot: any large prize, kitty, or accumulated stake that may be won in gambling(頭獎;累積賭注) spectrum: 范圍,幅度 |