![]() Really? Men want hotpants, miniskirts and low cut tops banned from the office because they are too distracting. |
Men want hotpants, miniskirts and low cut tops banned from the office because they are too distracting, new research shows. A study found that at least a third of men want women stopped from wearing revealing outfits at work, with skimpy shorts the first to go. Hotpants were named by 32 percent as unacceptable, with 30 percent adding that anything with a leopard print should be banned. See-through, or 'sheer', tops were deemed beyond the pale by 27 percent of men, while 24 percent named miniskirts and 22 percent low cut tops. Meanwhile, 67 percent of women say colleagues should be stopped from wearing tiny shorts and 52 percent believe miniskirts are unprofessional. The study into British attitudes to clothes in the workplace, was carried out by the British Heart Foundation as it encourages people to wear red to the office on February 1. It found more than a third of women say wearing red makes them feel more confident. And 29 percent of women wish they had the courage to wear the colour more often. But the research, to mark BHF's Rock up in Red day, found that, rather than appreciating glimpses of women's cleavages and thighs, many men simply find it very off-putting. Other items of clothing to get the thumbs down, included slogan T-shirts (deemed inappropriate by 32 percent of Brits) and novelty ties (26 percent). UGG boots should be banned from the office too, according to 26 percent, and 23 percent want leggings shown the door. The report also revealed that wearing different colours has an impact on how we feel. One in ten women (13 percent) reveal they would reach for their best red item in order to impress in the office. And 48 percent named a red dress as the sexiest thing they could wear. Meanwhile, a quarter (26 percent) say a touch of red lipstick boosts their confidence. (Read by CJ Henderson. CJ Henderson is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
新研究顯示,男人希望能禁止女同事在辦公室穿熱褲、超短裙和低胸上衣,因為這些衣服太容易讓人分心。 一項研究發現,至少三分之一的男性希望女性不要在工作時穿暴露的服裝,最不能接受的是超短緊身褲。 32%的男性表示不能接受熱褲,30%的男性還表示任何帶豹紋圖案的服裝都應該被禁止。 27%的男性認為透視裝(或透明薄紗衣服)和抹胸超出了他們能接受的范圍,24%的男性不能接受超短裙,22%的男性反對在辦公室穿低胸上衣。 與此同時,67%的女性表示應禁止在辦公室穿超短褲,52%的女性認為穿迷你裙顯得不職業化。 這項針對英國人對于辦公室著裝態度的研究是由英國心臟基金會開展的,該基金會鼓勵人們在2月1日這天穿紅色衣服上班。 研究發現,超過三分之一的女性稱穿紅色衣服讓她們感覺更自信。 29%的女性希望她們有勇氣更經常穿紅色衣服。 不過,該研究發現,許多男人不但不愛看女人的乳溝和大腿,而且還覺得非常反感。這一研究是為了紀念英國心臟基金會的“紅色一天搖滾起來”活動。 其他被否定的衣服還包括印有標語的T恤(32%的英國人認為不得體)和花哨的領帶(26%的人反對)。 26%的人認為還應該禁止在辦公室穿雪地靴,23%的人希望打底褲也被請出辦公室。 該研究報告還揭示,穿不同顏色的衣服會對我們的心情產生影響。 十分之一(13%)的女性透露,她們如果想給同事留下深刻印象,就會穿上自己最漂亮的紅色衣服。 48%的女性指出,她們最性感的衣服就是紅色裙裝。 與此同時,四分之一(26%)的女性說擦紅色口紅會提升她們的自信心。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: skimpy: 又短又緊的 sheer: 透明薄紗衣物 off-putting: 令人反感的 get the thumbs down: 遭到反對 UGG boots: 雪地靴 |