2015-08-05The Chinese Bridge Summer Camp opened in Pu'er
2015-08-04Compared with the other native operas, Yunnan Opera is developing well.
2015-07-31A Pu'er culture show opened in Shanghai on July 26.
2015-07-29The newly opened Coffee Exchange (Center) at the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone is expected to boost coffee consumption in the predominantly tea-drinking nation.
2015-07-28Border protection troops from Pu'er have carried out joint border patrols with Vietnam border troops.
2015-07-27A series of original ecological folk custom shows were staged in Shanghai.
2015-07-23Police in Yunnan province have thwarted 132 attempts and captured 553 extremists who tried to cross the border and travel to war zones overseas since 2014, the provincial publicity department said on Thursday.
2015-07-20The Ninth China Angel Summer Camp opens in Pu'er.
2015-07-20During the summer vacation, visitors are getting a taste of the cuisine from Pu'er.
2015-07-16A coffee tasting training session was held in the city of Pu'er.