2015-03-25Despite having a long history and large production capacity, Chinese tea needs to enhance its value by building brands, said experts and industry insiders at a tea branding seminar last week in Pujiang county, Sichuan province.
2015-03-26In Pu'er, there are fossils of the wide-leaf magnolia that are about 35.4 million years old.
2015-03-23Pu'er, noted for its tea and tracing its origins back to tea, is the famous starting point of the Ancient Tea Horse Roads in history.
2015-03-11Pu'er is the coffee production zone with the biggest planting area and the greatest output in China.
2015-03-02There are abundant resources including land, mineral, forest, biological, and water energy ones in Pu'er
2014-09-09The superior location, abundant resources, beautiful environment, top industries and excellent service in Pu'er attract investors.
2014-08-05Pu'er has one national port- Simao port, one provincial cross-border economic cooperation zone - Menglian (Meng'e) cross-border economic cooperation zone, one national second category port - Menglian port, and one national first category port which is under construction, Mengkang port.
2014-06-18Pu’er is the only city in Yunnan province that shares a border with three countries.