hairdresser: Dead. All of them. That's what he said. The pilot swooped down to get a closer look. Dead as doorposts they were. It's a real tragedy.
Catherine Carney Fletcher: How terrible!
hairdresser: And on the eve of the ball too.
Catherine Carney Fletcher: What were they doing in the Kuraman?
Lesley 'King' Carney: Nothing personal, Captain...but I got a business to run, and you got an army to feed. So let's not muck about.
Captain Emmett Dutton: I suppose it's not a real war unless someone's making a profit.
Lesley 'King' Carney: You got 'em ready to load, Neil?
Neil Fletcher: Yeah, we're right to go.
Lesley 'King' Carney: 'Cause I got a feeling the captain's gonna put pen to paper.
Neil Fletcher: All hail the king. Yeah.
Catherine Carney Fletcher: Oh, look. Hello, little sweetie.
Lesley 'King' Carney: What the bloody hell is that?
Sarah Ashley: Gentlemen! I'm Sarah Ashley, owner of Faraway Downs. We are making delivery of 1,500 head of prime F.D. branded shorthorns. We will require a holding yard.
Lesley 'King' Carney: We're full.
Sarah Ashley: Says who?
Lesley 'King' Carney: The owner.
Sarah Ashley: You must be Mr. Carney.
Lesley 'King' Carney: Too right, love.
Captain Emmett Dutton: Lady Ashley, I'm Emmett Dutton. I'm the officer in charge of livestock purchases.
Sarah Ashley: We will accept 20% less than what the Carney Cattle Company is asking.
Lesley 'King' Carney: No can do, love. You're late. The contract's signed.
Captain Emmett Dutton: This contract is not binding until the cattle are loaded.
Lesley 'King' Carney: Load the bloody cattle now!
Sarah Ashley: We've got to load the cattle on the ship before Carney.
Lesley 'King' Carney: Get off your backsides!
Drover: You drive 'em straight down the wharf. I'll try and keep Carney's cattle in the yard.
Lesley 'King' Carney: Load the bloody cattle now!
Neil Fletcher: Drover!
Drover: Hyah!
Neil Fletcher: Load! Youblokes, load!
Drover: Hyah!
Neil Fletcher: Hey, Bull! Open the bloody crush! Come on! Close that flamin' gate! You missed the boat, sunshine.
Drover: Hyah!
Sarah Ashley: Drover!
Drover: Push 'em straight down the wharf! Hah! Hyah!
1. dead as doorpost:死僵了。意思相近的短語還有dead as a doornail。as dead as可以和很多詞語組合成有趣的搭配,如as dead as a mackerel(麻木的)和as dead as a dodo(絕種的)(dodo指的是dodo鳥)。這種有趣的比喻在英語中還有很多,如as deaf as a post/doorpost(耳聾的),as angry as an ape(勃然大怒),as bold as brass(厚顏無恥)。
2. muck about:閑蕩,混日子,胡鬧,耍弄。在影片中Lesley 'King' Carney想讓Captain Emmett Dutton快點簽約,于是就催促他說“let's not muck about”(我們就不要再浪費時間了吧)。請看例句:
He was not working, just mucking about.他不是在干活,只是在混日子。
Don't muck about with things you don't understand.不懂的東西不要去瞎弄。
Give me a straight answer, don't muck me about!給我一個干脆的回答,不要耍弄我!
3. put pen to paper:下筆,開始寫。影片中Lesley 'King' Carney是指他認為Captain Emmett Dutton會簽約的。請看例句:
Some authors make through mental preparation, before they put pen to paper.有些作者在動筆前完全打好了腹稿。