[ 2006-12-19 15:13 ]
請看外電相關報道:British police arrested a 37-year-old man suspected of murdering five prostitutes in a high-profileserial-killer casethat has gripped the nation.
At the weekend, the suspect gave a newspaper interview in which he insisted he was innocent but admitted being unable to explain where he was at the times of the killings.
顯然,報道中的“serial-killer case”指的是“連環兇殺案”,相應的,“serial killer”就是“連環殺手”。
“Serial”常用來形容“一連串的、一系列的”,如:a serial story(分期連載的故事);be placed in serial order(依次放置)。
“Serial”做名詞時,可以指“連續劇、連載小說”,如:radio serial(廣播連續?。倏磦€例句:Several magazines have bid for the serial rights of my novel.(幾家雜志競相出價想獲得我的小說的連載權。)